StatCounter Celebrations!

We are thrilled to announce that the StatCounter founder, Aodhan Cullen, has been named the Young IT Person of the Year at the ICT Excellence Awards!

Aodhan set up StatCounter at 16 years of age. A born entrepreneur, he has been running businesses of various kinds from the age of 12 when he set up his own résumé-typing business.

As a young teen, Aodhan dabbled in website design. It was this experience that sowed the seeds for him to develop StatCounter.

“The website is fantastic – thanks Aodhan…but is anyone actually visiting it?”

In response to this question which was repeatedly asked by his web design clients, Aodhan decided to set up StatCounter.

StatCounter currently has over 1.3 million members and tracks 9 billion pageloads per month across its network of 2 million websites.

In the words of one of the latest StatCounter members “if you want a counter that’s easy to install, easy to understand, provides many important stats for your website, that’s invisible, and free, you would do well to give StatCounter a try”.



  1. Take a bow Aodhan, you have acheived what you set out to do and throughout the long nights, frustration & pain, your anguish is over now and may the rewards of plenty fill you with suprise.

  2. Dear Aodhan Cullen

    Congratulations and Best Wishes

    May god bless your business

  3. WOW-WEE!

    24?? What a catch you’d make! 😉


    Thanks yo for the excellent service.

  4. congratulations!! you are certainly deserved the awards!
    we really appreciate your creation! Stat Counter.
    Thank you so much!!

  5. congratulations!!!! you deserve the awards!
    we really appreciated what you had created! Stat Counter!
    thank you so much!!

  6. Hey, congratulations!!
    Without your programming, I wouldn’t be able to track my web stats at all.
    Great Job. Thank you very much for being so smart!!

  7. Well deserved! Congratulations!

    StatCounter has changed my life (and caused me to check it obsessive-compulsively).

    Thank you!!

  8. Well done bud, Well deserved. Here’s to more awards in the future.

  9. Aodhan

    StatCounter is fantastic! You’ve got a truly EXCELENT product here; and all I can do is wish you the VERY BEST with it. You deserve all the success in the world. Thank you, Aodhan; thank you again for STATCOUNTER!

  10. StatCounter is the best web app on the market…and we’re happy to subscribe to the paid service, since it keeps you funded to add more great features! Best wishes for many terrific innovations in the years to come!

  11. I have STATCOUNTER on both my blogs. I think it is the best! Congrats!

  12. Congratulations Aodhan. Keep up the good work. I’d be lost without my SC!

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