StatCounter – Now 5 Times Better – FREE!

Hi folks,

We’ve been busy in the background optimising our systems to allow us to bring you even more for FREE.

We’re very pleased to let you know today that every StatCounter project now comes with a log size of 500 – you guessed it – FREE!

This means that you can now drill down into the detail of the last 500 pageloads on your site. And, of course, you still have LIFETIME summary stats on ALL your visitors.


Here’s what we did:

    We took the old free log size of 100 and multiplied it by 5 to give you even more info on your visitors. Please note that this increase applies to ALL StatCounter members, and to ALL projects!

Here’s what you have to do now:

    Free Members:
    To increase your log size, log into StatCounter and click the wrench icon beside your project. Click ‘Adjust Log Size’, and enter 500 in the box. Click ‘Adjust Project Log’ and you’re done!

    Upgraded Members:
    To increase your log-size, log into StatCounter and click the wrench icon beside your project. Click ‘Adjust Log Size’, and increase your log by an extra 400 (your current log already includes the first free 100!). Click ‘Adjust Project Log’ and you’re done!

All the best,

The StatCounter Team

PS: StatCounter is the great service it is today as a result of the loyalty and support of you, our members. We couldn’t have done it without you!

With your continued support we hope to improve the service even further! Don’t forget that the more members we have, the more we’ll be able to give you FREE! So, if you like StatCounter, why not recommend us to your friends, family or anyone with a website???!!! Thanks folks!


  1. Adjusting the log size now! Thanks Statscounter for the big bump!

  2. Thanks for providing this great service for free! Long live StatCounter!

  3. Wow. Never been more impressed with Statcounter’s service. Thanks a lot!

  4. Cool! Thanks a lot for this.

    I have been using it for years now on my website and this is great!

  5. Hi, I have been using Statcounter on my blog – since I started it back in 2003 but I have recently found out that your website is very slow. It was not always like this but I have been observing this lately. Please, if you could do something about it.


    StatCounter Team Response:
    Hi AJ,

    We invest heavily in our server infrastructure and management to ensure extremely fast load times.

    The next time you are experiencing a slow down can you send the URL of the page you are visiting to me. This way I can do a spot check and see what the problem is. I’ve sent you an email about this.

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