StatCounter Says NO!


A few months back, StatCounter was approached by an advertiser, offered lots of $$$, and asked to include a spyware cookie on all of our member sites…we refused on the spot.

You install StatCounter to track visitors to your site NOT to open yourself and your visitors up to being spied upon by phantom advertising corporations.

It appears, however, that other players in the world of webstats were happy to take up this offer…

We were shocked to discover just today that another well known stats provider is allowing up to 9 cookies to be installed in the browser of every visitor that hits one of their member websites. This means that the provider is making money by transmitting data on you and your visitors to a third party advertiser. Not only that, but to add insult to injury, the cookies are causing the member websites to load very slowly too.

In light of this, StatCounter wants to assure you that we track your visitors for you, only you and not any one else.

Which provider would you prefer??

StatCounter says No!

By the way, welcome to our new blog 😉


  1. Pingback: Nerdcore — Sitemeter und warum ich wohl zukünftig gründlicher schaue, wessen Dienst ich benutze
  2. Excellent. And that is why I pay for the service you provide…and recommend it to everyone.

  3. Great Job! Keep up the Execellent work.
    We would be lost without you guys.
    Many Thanks

  4. That is great. Thanks for standing up! It’s great to feel secure, that’s why I use StatCounter all the time.

  5. Thanks for fighting the blight on the Internet. No wonder there are scientists who insist that it can’t be fixed and they are ready to reinvent a new safe functional Internet.

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