StatCounter Says NO!


A few months back, StatCounter was approached by an advertiser, offered lots of $$$, and asked to include a spyware cookie on all of our member sites…we refused on the spot.

You install StatCounter to track visitors to your site NOT to open yourself and your visitors up to being spied upon by phantom advertising corporations.

It appears, however, that other players in the world of webstats were happy to take up this offer…

We were shocked to discover just today that another well known stats provider is allowing up to 9 cookies to be installed in the browser of every visitor that hits one of their member websites. This means that the provider is making money by transmitting data on you and your visitors to a third party advertiser. Not only that, but to add insult to injury, the cookies are causing the member websites to load very slowly too.

In light of this, StatCounter wants to assure you that we track your visitors for you, only you and not any one else.

Which provider would you prefer??

StatCounter says No!

By the way, welcome to our new blog 😉


  1. Pingback: Cartoons Plugin » Blog Archive » teen titans lesbo StatCounter Says NO to spam advertisers!
  2. Thanks A Lot Statcounter!!!
    Just wanted to make sure to show you my apreciation.

  3. Nice one guys
    We like your style, we also think the web should be free from this kind of rubbish
    Thanks again


  4. My The Unnamed Stats Supplier Be Stated, If You Dont Want To Say openly then email it to me . Just to say its great though because nobody wants spyware.

  5. Good job StatCounter!

    In response to a lot of the paranoid users who are asking why they’re getting mediaplex, atdmt, and doubleclick cookies, perhaps this primer is in line:

    1) You visit websites that have ads, ads are served by 3rd party ad servers.
    2) Ad server drops a cookie that assigns and anonymous ID and keeps a log of what ads you’ve seen and clicked that they serve
    3) When you buy something on an advertiser’s website, the advertiser reads the cookie and attributes credit to the advertising that drove that sale

    Don’t mistaken ad tracking cookies as malware/spyware. The major ad servers belong to public companies and have strict rules regarding Personally Identifiable Information collection practices as well as have robust privacy policies. The whole point of having ad tracking is to be able to justify why advertisers should advertise to keep many of your favorite websites running. Cookies may also be used to better target the advertising towards your behavior and thus get rid of a lot of badly targeted advertising that is completely irrelevant to you.

    Hope that helps.

  6. I must say, StatCounter provides EXCELLENT service to their members – starting with the free accounts, all the way to subscribed members.

    Excellent service guys!

  7. thanks statcounter team, i REALLY appreciate it, and i love statcounter, it’s the best web widget IMO… right up there with the youtube-embed widget. thanks.

  8. Pingback: StatCounter Says NO to spam advertisers! « News Coctail
  9. Thank you for your integrity. This is site/service is an example of what is the best about the internet. Congratulations for making life better for many… not just for you.

  10. I commend you have the decency to say no! Power to StarCounter!

    However if another company is employing the advertisers spyware cookies doesn’t that affect web browsers all the same?

  11. Thank you Statcounter for standing up to the “bad guys” in the constant battle against spam/spyware/malware/etc.

    You truly are the good guys!


  12. Hey Y’all,
    Thanks for remaining committed to the protection of your customers!

    Since most of your customers are probably on the “free” plan, you might consider adding a “PayPal Donation Button” to your site. This would give your “free members” the opportunity to support StatCounter as they see fit.

    I, for one, would be happy to make such a donation… You offer a great service!

  13. You guys ROCK!

    Good companies like yourselves are extremely hard to find. Very happy to see your ethics are in place.

    Thank you very much!

  14. I don’t use StatCounter anymore, but I’m glad to hear that you declined the offer. Keep on rockin’!

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