A few months back, StatCounter was approached by an advertiser, offered lots of $$$, and asked to include a spyware cookie on all of our member sites…we refused on the spot.
You install StatCounter to track visitors to your site NOT to open yourself and your visitors up to being spied upon by phantom advertising corporations.
It appears, however, that other players in the world of webstats were happy to take up this offer…
We were shocked to discover just today that another well known stats provider is allowing up to 9 cookies to be installed in the browser of every visitor that hits one of their member websites. This means that the provider is making money by transmitting data on you and your visitors to a third party advertiser. Not only that, but to add insult to injury, the cookies are causing the member websites to load very slowly too.
In light of this, StatCounter wants to assure you that we track your visitors for you, only you and not any one else.
Which provider would you prefer??
By the way, welcome to our new blog đ
You have so many great comments here, I almost didn’t bother. But I decided I still had to weigh in to say thanks. You guys rock. So here’s another resounding comment of support to add to the understandably long list. Go StatCounter!
I just wanted to say thank you for being so respectful of your customers. Your action says a lot about the integrity of your organisation and its people.
Thank you for SAYNG NO! The main reason why I use StatCounter is no spy cookies and somethig trash else!
Thanks million!
Thank you for doing what i would have done.
Good job StatCounter! Thanks for being credible and I hope you make lots of money through valid business propositions such as having people pay to have a higher amount of stats. This makes me want to upgrade to the paid version just to say thank you!
Thank you for NOT selling us out!!
Thanks so much StatCounter. I appreciate your protection over your subscribers. More power!
Thank you for saying no !!! you guys rock !
ahhahah good one
THANK YOU and thank you for letting me know!
folks, thanks for saying âNo!â and thanks for providing a free service. Stat are the best!
Thanks for said NO, and keep me posted about these disturbances.
Thank you StatCounter for your honesty! We will continue to use your service as long as there are no spyware cookies.
Thanks for keeping it clean, for all of our customers.
Are you really this desperate for marketing?
I want to know which other tracking service has recently said “yes”…. Shame on them, hoorah for you!
For a commercial business this is an excellent source of revenue. But for an owner/operator of a small business, having you say no is an excellent way to keep customers and continue the great word of mouth advertisement.
Thanks again!!
Thanks a million for not allowing this. I wipe spyware and adware from my computer on a weekly basis. Sometimes there are more than 100 within the week.
Great Job!!