The Results are in…

Hi Folks,

The results are in…

Aodhan is the BusinessWeek Young Entrepreneur of the Year!!

Check out the full story here.

Aodhan Cullen

The real winners of this award though, are YOU, the StatCounter members. Without your support, encouragement and feedback, StatCounter could not be the success it is today.

Sincere thanks to every single one of you.

To celebrate, some members of the StatCounter Team will be heading out this Friday, 20 July. We’re going to The Brazen Head pub on Bridge Street in Dublin, Ireland. We’ll be there from 9pm, so if you’re in the vicinity, drop in!

If you say hello to Aodhan himself (see the photo), he might even buy you a drink! ๐Ÿ˜‰

NOTE: Don’t forget, if you need customer support, don’t post in the blog, please contact us here!


  1. More congratulations! Thanks for the open invitation, you’re just a tad too far away, have a drink for me ๐Ÿ™‚ should you ever visit beautiful Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada, we have some great pubs.

  2. Hi the Stat counter is a great idea, I installed it in my website

    Thank you!!!

  3. Congrats. If you visit Quรฉbec City next summer (400 anniversary fiesta) and we MAY have the Red Bull air race also (!) then let me know, I’ll present you my twins, they are the reason why my page get some visit.

    2400×1602 is a bit wide for the picture, what about resizing it a bit? ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Also, when are you coming down to London?? It can be fun down here as well! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Wicked Keemo

    StatCounter Team Response:

    Next time we’re over, we’ll let you know!

    Thanks WK.

  5. Congrats Aodhan! Statcounter’s story truly is an inspiration to all budding entrepreneurs. Also, good on you defending your company against Google Analytics haha!

  6. Saw this on
    Congratulations Aodhan and well done to everyone at StatCounter.


  7. Congratulations – I use your service rather compulsively to check the performance of my blog which really doesn’t have much bearing on whether folks read it much or not – just personal vanity!


  8. congratulations, Aodhan, from a long time StatCounter user. may you continue from success to success.


  9. Congrats. You’ve really done well with the site. Keep up the good work! Drop me a line if you are ever in Canada!

    StatCounter Team Response:

    Sure thing Richard! ๐Ÿ˜‰


  10. See ya on Friday, Aodhan. Have a Guinness and a Carlsberg ready,
    ๐Ÿ™‚ Steve

  11. Just read the news on the Examiner website ….. well done Aodhรกn!

    Keep up the good work ….. you’re a great ambassador for Ireland on the net!



    A lone knight battling his way through the internet)

  12. Great stuff, thoroughly deserved. – Especially for increasing our free log count.

  13. Congrats! Well deserved too, the whole team IMHO
    (And I’ll take a ‘virtual’ beer if you don’t mind ;-))

    Karin H. (Keep It Simple Sweetheart, specially in business)

  14. Congrat’s Aodhan. I bet the other nominees were not as deserved as yourself so the results were probably well positioned. I think now it’s important not to get carried away with the glory and to keep working on ways to improve StatCounter (like recognising more search engines and extracting their keywords). With the recent upgrade in free log size, the prices are quite competitive; so the increased search engine recognition is one of the next most significant ways in which you can improve StatCounter from my perspective. Keep up the good work!

    StatCounter Team Response:

    Don’t worry Dan – we’ll keep Aodhan’s feet on the ground! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    As far as your suggestion is concerned, we already recognise over 100 search engines. Please let us know of any further ones you want us to include – we’d be happy to! Please use our contact form here.


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