The Results are in…

Hi Folks,

The results are in…

Aodhan is the BusinessWeek Young Entrepreneur of the Year!!

Check out the full story here.

Aodhan Cullen

The real winners of this award though, are YOU, the StatCounter members. Without your support, encouragement and feedback, StatCounter could not be the success it is today.

Sincere thanks to every single one of you.

To celebrate, some members of the StatCounter Team will be heading out this Friday, 20 July. We’re going to The Brazen Head pub on Bridge Street in Dublin, Ireland. We’ll be there from 9pm, so if you’re in the vicinity, drop in!

If you say hello to Aodhan himself (see the photo), he might even buy you a drink! πŸ˜‰

NOTE: Don’t forget, if you need customer support, don’t post in the blog, please contact us here!


  1. Many congrats, My vote showed effect πŸ™‚ U look handsome tooo. congrats dear Aodhan

    Best Regards
    Eliena ANdrews
    FOr health care

  2. hi aodhan ,

    congrats and should we bet you for the next escapade – Conquer Bill Gates .. Do drop in Hyderabad a buzzling city in India .. let’s celebrate .

    πŸ™‚ ..

  3. Congrats and thanks for making available your statcounter for some of us who cannot afford it were it not free basically. I use free statcounter at

  4. Hi
    How can I add stat counter to blogger to my blog, well this is a make money adsense! free Guide!

    StatCounter Team Response:

    Hi Jerry,

    We have an install guide specific to Blogger so you should have no trouble. Just register for an account with StatCounter and in the “Installation Options” section, select “blogger” as your web page editor. Should you need any further assistance, please contact our support team directly via this form.


  5. Many thanks for your Statscounter! Is an excellent option for measuring website audiences! It’s a very good program! Congratulations! Greetings from my land and with my self! Congrats! Mr. Cullen. Many thanks, again!

  6. This is exactly what I expected to find out after reading the title . Thanks for informative article

  7. My heartfelt congratulations!

    Wishing you continued successes in ALL you endeavor!

  8. Congratulation to Aodhan and the StatCounter team.
    The award is well deserved by Aodhan and team.
    Keep it kicking!

  9. It would seem that you already have more fan mail than you can read, but I too am very happy for your well deserved recognition and I wish you well in the future.


  10. Congrats Aodhan and the whole team. I would be lost without my Stat Counter. Mags

  11. Congratulations!!! AODHAN!!! Wish I could have joined YOU for a brewskie!!! LOL I really enJOY looking at my Stats! Thank YOU!!! xo, Cinda

  12. I’m too far to have a drink or two, but thanks for the good work – Congrats Aodhan:-)

    Conradsharry FROM INDONESIA

  13. Congrats. Though I’m now using the free service for my product Noki (a Nokia phone backup file explorer), it’s good and competitive.

  14. Congrats. Though I’m now using the free service for my product Noki (, a Nokia phone backup file explorer), it’s good and competitive.


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