Calling all US Online Retailers!!

Hi folks,

We would like to do a profile on one of you, our members, for marketing purposes. This will be a win-win situation, with both you and us getting some publicity from the interview!

Specifically we’re looking for an online retailer that is based in the United States.
The profile will be based on an interview, so if you don’t like talking on the phone, then this is not for you!

If you’re interested, please post here and tell us:

  • A bit of information about your business
  • How using StatCounter has helped improve your business, specifically:
    • What stats do you look at most often and why?
    • How do the stats help you?
    • How often do you check your stats?

    Don’t forget to put your email address and URL in the relevant boxes below. We might need to contact you! πŸ˜‰

    We need to get moving on this as soon as possible, so the sooner we hear from you the better! If you have any questions, please post them below.

    Thanking you!

    UPDATE: The interviewee will be chosen from the sites currently listed below. New posts will not be put forward for this particular profile. Thanks!


    1. Hi, if I’m reading this correctly, you are no longer accepting submissions for this interview, but I wanted to let you know directly how valuable statcounter has been for my small business. We’ve grown a thousand fold over the last two years and I attribute a huge percentage of that growth to statcounter. We use it to track trends, determine what consumers are thinking, and help us target our audience better. In terms of SEO, there’s no better tool than statcounter.

      We check our stats probably 20 times a day. It’s that important, and that useful. So thank you a thousand times for this wonderful service!!!

    2. What stats do you look at most often and why?
      When I log into Statcounter I look first at the visitor path. Mainly to see if certain customers have looked at their specific images. Then I go to recent visitors to see where people have been viewing my site from. I have had hits from over 45 of the fifty states and over 50 countries from every corner of the world. I also use this to see how people are getting to my site. What Keywords they are using in their searches. Lastly I check the Keyword searches to see what specific Keywords are being used and how often. After I see the Keywords used I compare them to the Keywords on my site. I then adjust the Keywords on my site to better meet the searches which places me higher in the search engines thus getting more hits on my site.

      How do the stats help you? As I have stated in the above paragraph I am able to adjust my Keywords on my site to better meet the searches which places me higher in the search engines thus getting more hits on my site. Without Statcounter I would not have the ability to do this so quickly and easily.

      How often do you check your stats? I check Statcounter several times each day to watch the numbers grow. I still get a thrill watching how many times a day people are checking my sites. In just over a year my Pro Rodeo Pix website ( has become one of the top 5 rodeo photo websites in the world. Rodeo contestants are on the move constantly year round to compete at different rodeos around the United States. Most photographers have books they take to each rodeo for the contestants to view their photos. I post my photos online on my own shopping site allowing the contestants to view and order their photos 24/7 through the website. Because of the abilities Statcounter provides I am able to tweek the site on the fly to meet the needs of my rodeo customers who are like the wind, always on the move..

      I have been using Statcounter on my other website for several years. This was the main reason I chose Statcounter for my Pro Rodeo Pix website.

      I would love to be interviewed by Statcounter and let the world know how it works for my business.

    3. We are based in the UK and we have been using Statcounter for years, on all of our sites. We a really happy with the service.

      If you ever need to interview an online retailer in the UK would be pleased to help.

    4. And last but not least,

      What stats do you look at most often and why?
      When I personally log into StatCounter, my first instinct is to click the bar graph icon and view our daily hits/unique visitors/returning visitors. Second to that, I usually end up clicking “Visitor Paths” to see where our most recent visitors have been, how long they visited each page and where they were going…

      The ability to see where they came from allows me to check various forums throughout the internet and see just who may be providing some valuable links to our website.

      How do the stats help you?
      StatCounter’s stats enable us to design our website around the customers. I’ve seen many of pages on our site have a quick bounce rate, just because of some lack of information, product image, or some general error. When dealing with several thousand pages, that’s the nature of the game. StatCounter helps us to eliminate these holes and be more productive, informative…and helps our revenue. The fact that StatCounter does all of this for free, with detailed logging for the previous 500 hits is reason enough alone for anybody to give it a try and see how they like it.

      How often do you check your stats?
      Everyday. Usually 3 – 5 times per day, sometimes even more. StatCounter is very lightweight and fast to load, meaning that I can check my stats when I’m in a hurry. There’s no complicated flash scripts to load. StatCounter provides a lean, mean no BS approach to serious websites out there. We’ve used other website statistic programs, and StatCounter has proven by far to be the best all-around application…and it’s free.

      HelmetHead Cycle Gearβ„’ ( is an online leader in motorcycle accessories. StatCounter has helped promote our growth for the past year and a half, and it’s a service that we depend on as we develop our website applications. StatCounter lets us know just who likes the changes, and who doesn’t.

    5. StatCounter has given us the tools to not only monitor all traffic activity, but has also enabled us to spot several hacking attempts against our web server!

      Our daily hits have increased by 300% since this time last year, and we expect exponential leaps in the upcoming months thanks to the information that we have been able to assess from the StatCounter web site.

      This has been the best solution, by far, which we have found for doing web site analysis, and we appreciate this valuable application and what it is doing for our business.

      Many thanks,

      Jeremy Harris
      Web Designer / Programmer

    6. My 10 sites are blogs, not retail, but ultimately there is a promotional bent. I am a writer and artist looking for exposure and feedback. It is very helpful to know how many visitors there are, which pages they view, and where they are from. I only wish there was a way to exclude our IP address from the statistics.

      StatCounter Team Response:

      Robert – OF COURSE you can exclude your IP address from your stats! Log in to StatCounter, click the wrench icon beside your project and go to edit settings. That’s where you’ll find the option to block IP addresses. Hope this helps!

      Thanks for your support!

    7. StatCounter Team,

      I want to thank you for making it easier for me to help my DSL and broadband customers find the high speed Internet products and providers they want online. Without StatCounter I would never have had the essential information or web tracking tools to start my online business. I’ve been a long time advocate and subscriber to StatCounter, so it’s great to see Aodhan’s idea still growing. I’d wager to say that has truly become the preferred way for webmasters to “read the tea leaves” of their specific industry or niche.

      – Colin McGrath

    8. I just wanted to add that the most important feature of for us is the ability to follow the link of entry back to the search engine to view the placement of our site for the keyword used.
      No matter how adept one thinks they are at SEO… if the keywords you think are going to generate traffic do not bring in the customers, then using statcounter to gauge your success is invaluable.
      We can have the most original and best dog breed designs on the market today, but without the traffic, it is for naught.
      I can not even imagine how any business online could grow without the use of a tracker. And by far, is the best tracker available.

      DL Boes

    9. Our online shop specializes in dog breed apparel and gift merchandise for 225 dog breeds. has been on our site since inception. It is by far the most useful tool that any online business can utilize to grow and increase sales.
      Our entire business depends on exposure through search engines and use of SEO to get our clientelle to our site. Our ability to track the entry points, and visitors paths gives us insight on which keywords are working, and also which pages need improving to gain the traffic that is vital to any online endevor.
      With a dog breed gift shop, it is not just getting dog lovers as a whole to our store, but targeting 225 different groups. Each page and breed, must be examined constantly to keep up with trends for that particular visitor’s interests.
      The use of statcounter to track each targeted group is an invaluable service that has enabled us to grow from invisibility, to a viable contender for the dog breed apparel market.
      Thank you statcounter!

      Dogs by Dezign

    10. – is your online source for affordable and trendy fashion jewelry

      * What stats do you look at most often and why?
      I look at visitor activity so I can see if they went on to purchase or if they didnt and if so where did they leave.

      * How do the stats help you?

      I am a single mother and my budget is tight so I made this page myself. I started to notice that people would come in and leave once they got to the about me section and I could not figure out why. I went to check and my page did not update like it was suppose to. This truly saved me from losing any more business. Thnaks to Statcounter!!!!

      * How often do you check your stats?

      Once a day.

    11. -A bit of information about your business
      My site’s not really a business.

      -How using StatCounter has helped improve your business, specifically:
      Not yet, I just started. But I’m sure it will help me improve!

      -What stats do you look at most often and why?
      I look at the unique first time visitors because I want to know how many unique visits a day I get, it will REALLY help me!

      -How do the stats help you?
      Well, if I’m looking for affiliates and they have specific rule about how many unique visits you should get a day, I can’t really apply since I don’t know how many.But now I do! ^-^

      -How often do you check your stats?
      -More than 5 times every day! lol

    12. Pingback: World’s most loved blogger » StatCounter is Calling all US Online Retailers!!
    13. Statcounter has helped me know whether I was getting real clicks or if it was spiders and bots clicking. I can tell by the time spent on my site when it says “0 seconds” and I recieved some fake clicks from some well known sites and statcounter helped me see that. They help me know where people are hitting my site from and what are the refferring sites. I am very pleased with the service.

    14. A bit of information about your business: features home decor, furniture and accessories for the home.

      How using StatCounter has helped improve your business, specifically:
      What stats do you look at most often and why?
      I check the summary constantly to find out how many visitors are coming and the recent keyword activity to see what keywords are used to find my site. Being small, I rely on the traffic stats to let me know how to prioritize my time. If the traffic is high, I know I need to be available for customers and work on things that do not require as much concentration. If the stats are low, I know I can devote my time to more detailed work with minimal interruptions or step out of my office for awhile.

      How do the stats help you?
      Gosh, let me count the ways! First, Statcounter is simple. I have very detailed stats with my ecommerce platform and I also have Google analytics. The problem is they are very complex and I haven’t had the time to sit and learn how they work completely. With Statcounter, just a couple clicks and I have the info I need. The recent keyword activity tells me what is working. It also helps me identify trends. Using the keyword activity and popular pages information, I can decide when to run promotions. The information provided by Statcounter also helps me identify what areas I need to improve upon and what areas are not working at all.

      How often do you check your stats?
      Several times a day. It is not uncommon for me to bring up Statcounter and refresh the screen every 30 minutes to an hour.

      Statcounter is awesome. It’s reliable and hassle free. I’ve used it for a few other websites over the years and I cannot recall ever having a single issue with Statcounter. I can’t say that about any other tool I have used. It’s perfect for people who lack the time needed to devote to analyzing their site. It’s kind of like “stats for dummies”. I find the stats on Statcounter are more reliable than the stats provided by my ecommerce solution. I always recommend Statcounter, it is an awesome tool.

    15. I love Stat counter too much and i’ve been tempted to changed few months ago ( because of the small logs ) BUT when you added the 500 entires logs i was really amazed and i decided to stay with the Statcounter big family

      I’ve been blogging for many months ago and i was trying to monetize my half-million daily visitors thru Adsense but i didn’t got more than $50 per month so i’ve got a unique idea to create a unique advertising concept.
      I’m selling permanent traffic redirections that sends my traffic to the advertisers sites and blogs.
      I couldn’t have started my business if i was using another stats analyzing site because generally advertisers are interested with the concept but they are not sure about the ROI so by using the statcounter’s public stats they can see the live traffic stats and can drill down to get more info about the visitors. this encouraged many advertisers to buy my “retail traffic”

      For me personally i check my stats 2 times a day to have precise idea on the keywords used and the biggest referrers so i can target my ad campaigns

      The most helpful feature is the ip flagging because it allows me to track back the return of the my biggest advertisers so i can see what they are interested in and if there is any comment so i can improve the service.

      Thanks and keep up the great work πŸ˜‰

    16. Another site that was helped greatly by statcounter stats recently was

      We found out from the stats that alot of people were going through to a certain part of the shopping cart process and then justs topping so it has helped us figure out the weak link in our chain and we now know where tos tart with improvements

    17. – A bit of information about your business

      Well i have several online ventures but mainly web design, i design sites for others as well as having several of my own selling custom php scripts and i have a few article directories and link directories too.

      – How using StatCounter has helped improve your business, specifically:
      – What stats do you look at most often and why?

      I look at the recent visitors, what pages they visit and where they came from, i use this info to check what parts of my sites are most effective, if they are leading to signups/sales etc and to check where the visitors are coming from so i can tell if my marketing efforts and search engine optimization is working, i also check the keyword stats to see what people are searching for then thye find my site and to improve my targeting.

      – How do the stats help you?

      The stats help me improve my sites, make pages more effective for their purpose so that visitors become customers etc, they help me judge if my marketing and advertising campaigns are working and if they are worth the money i spend on them and to see overall how many visitors i am getting compared to sales.signups etc

      – How often do you check your stats?

      I check my stats several times a day for over a dozen sites i run so that i can fully keep track of every aspect of my visitors activity and learn to understand them better and understand what they want, why they came etc

    18. – A bit of information about your business

      I run a small t-shirt company called Burn Suburbia Clothing that works with designers from around the world to create shirts that represent something about their city or its culture.

      * What stats do you look at most often and why?

      Statcounter is invaluable for my business! We rely mainly on viral marketing and publicity received from blogs, etc. As a result, Statcounter lets us know when we’re being covered somewhere new, so we look especially at what links people are clicking to reach the page.

      * How do the stats help you?

      It works the same way with the limited advertising we do; Statcounter is the barometer of our advertising’s success.

      * How often do you check your stats?


      Thank you so much for this fine product. Feel free to get in touch if you’d like to do a phone interview; I’d be happy to help.


    19. I am extremely happy with StatCounter as the data of the visitors can be viewed and evaluated from different angles. And the info makes it really possible to improve the number of hits and the ranking on the www. I am using the free 100 hits counting, but intend to try the 1000 hits counter for a couple of months this winter. Keep up the good work. Congratulations with the awards won and thanks for making StatCounter available for free and without annoying pop ups as other counters often do.
      Best regards,

      StatCounter Team Response:

      Thanks Rudolf!

      We actually improved our free accounts a few months ago…you can now see details of your last 500 pageloads! I’ve just updated your account and given you a log size of 500 on all your projects. For more info check out the blog post here.

    Comments are closed.

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