Hi Folks,
New StatCounter System – In Beta
We have been working on the new and improved StatCounter SC4 system…now we need your help to test it.
A lot of changes have been made ‘under the hood’ and won’t be immediately apparent; however some of the immediate benefits include:
- Faster Loading Keyword and Country Stats
- Exit Link Stats
- Download Stats
MOST importantly the new system paves the way for other exciting new features … so watch this space!
How do I try out SC4?
It’s easy!
You need to create a new test project. This code should be added underneath your existing StatCounter code.
Note that you should retain your existing StatCounter code for now… Once the new system is fully operational we’ll convert all projects over to SC4 automatically.
To get started:
- Login to StatCounter with the “remember me” option
- Point your browser at this URL
http://my.statcounter.com/project/standard/add.php?sc4=1 - If successful the form should now read “BETA TEST SC4 PROJECT SETTINGS” then proceed as normal to install this new code below your current code.
(Note that if you logout and login again you will be directed back to the current StatCounter system.)
Thanks for your help with this – and we’d be delighted to have your feedback posted to the comments of this blog post.
UPDATE: Thanks for all the feedback so far. As the comments are getting a bit crowded we’ve created a new forum for you to discuss your ideas. Please click here to get talking about SC4! (Note: you need to register a forum account in order to post.)
Let the testing begin!
StatCounter Team
I would be happy to test this.
I love stat counter
Installing now, thanks again StatCounter!
I love stat counter & will install a new beta testing project
Sounds great will give it a go. A Google Killing app if i ever saw one 😉
Congratulations!!, That is only the reward of your great work!
Thanks Statcounter! It’s easy enough for be to do the install and report back – actually, it’s the least thing I can do compared to what you have given to us all!! Thanks again from http://www.mortgagetranslator.com/
sounds good!!
do you still need testers. I would like to voulenteer.
Hey, love Statcounter have used for awhile.
Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the worst company on earth (Paypal). Paypal is a disgrace and a total joke. I only use Google Checkout now, only 2%. Of course you can’t put Google icons on ebay…..lol, wonder why!!!
Thank you guys for a great statcounter service!
I’m in, helping You!
I am right now testing beta version i hope you will give us exciting news very soon for launching of the full version!
I hope it will release soon so I can put it on my new site!
Want to be a beta tester for the Stat Counter !!!
Cheers – Ranjith