Hi Folks,
New StatCounter System – In Beta
We have been working on the new and improved StatCounter SC4 system…now we need your help to test it.
A lot of changes have been made ‘under the hood’ and won’t be immediately apparent; however some of the immediate benefits include:
- Faster Loading Keyword and Country Stats
- Exit Link Stats
- Download Stats
MOST importantly the new system paves the way for other exciting new features … so watch this space!
How do I try out SC4?
It’s easy!
You need to create a new test project. This code should be added underneath your existing StatCounter code.
Note that you should retain your existing StatCounter code for now… Once the new system is fully operational we’ll convert all projects over to SC4 automatically.
To get started:
- Login to StatCounter with the “remember me” option
- Point your browser at this URL
http://my.statcounter.com/project/standard/add.php?sc4=1 - If successful the form should now read “BETA TEST SC4 PROJECT SETTINGS” then proceed as normal to install this new code below your current code.
(Note that if you logout and login again you will be directed back to the current StatCounter system.)
Thanks for your help with this – and we’d be delighted to have your feedback posted to the comments of this blog post.
UPDATE: Thanks for all the feedback so far. As the comments are getting a bit crowded we’ve created a new forum for you to discuss your ideas. Please click here to get talking about SC4! (Note: you need to register a forum account in order to post.)
Let the testing begin!
StatCounter Team
always used statcounter so good to see its being improved , but I did hear that having this on your website can harm your rankings , anyone know anything regarding this?
Great effort. Best wishes for you. Wish you Happy new year 2008 ;p
Nice to see this…my best wishes are with you…
Count me in, more than happy to make a positive contribution
selectcreditcard.com and its partners will test the new statcounter.com asap. Will we loose the old stats? Our credit card partners rely on this program tremendously. Thanks Again
Happy New Year!!
As noted by others I am seeing stat differences between the two versions. I have 1000 entries set for sc3 and the standard 500 for sc4 which could explain a difference when searching but as I understand it will not affect the actual stats????
count with me
I like this idea but am always paranoid it’ll cause problems for my site.
i have always loved statcounter, infact the very first day i used statcounter it guided me a new direction. as fars as sc4 is considered i’m willing to use it on one of my website to see the difference…:)
hey really like this article about beta..thanx for sharing it
Today I have equal hits by old and beta 16-16, same IP:s. Yesterday 140-136.
Hi Statcounter team. Really thanks for your good work. I would like to participate to the beta testing but at this moment I can use internet very rarely so my help would be very useless 🙁
Again many thanks to the team and all beta testers!!!
Keep up the good work……..all success for your project
I like the fact that the beta offers 500 for free rather than last 100 visits saved, but like others, I’m finding it’s missing a lot of visits. Today, for instance, the old statcounter project is showing 8 visitors while the beta has only caught one of them.
Great Job :-bd
Hey, it’s great!
Loading the beta counter in the footer has slowed down graphics loading on my site. This is a new problem that I had not encountered before.
Also, I am also getting 0 on the visitors for the beta as compared to some on the SC3.
pls remind me my code
Can you make me know if I really have a website that will be recognised by everyone.
I am a new subscriber and I want to know how beneficial this will be to me.