Calling all Volunteers!!

Hi Folks,

New StatCounter System – In Beta

We have been working on the new and improved StatCounter SC4 system…now we need your help to test it.

A lot of changes have been made ‘under the hood’ and won’t be immediately apparent; however some of the immediate benefits include:

  • Faster Loading Keyword and Country Stats
  • Exit Link Stats
  • Download Stats

Testing… Testing… 123…

MOST importantly the new system paves the way for other exciting new features … so watch this space!

How do I try out SC4?

It’s easy!

You need to create a new test project. This code should be added underneath your existing StatCounter code.

Note that you should retain your existing StatCounter code for now… Once the new system is fully operational we’ll convert all projects over to SC4 automatically.

To get started:

  • Login to StatCounter with the “remember me” option
  • Point your browser at this URL
  • If successful the form should now read “BETA TEST SC4 PROJECT SETTINGS” then proceed as normal to install this new code below your current code.

(Note that if you logout and login again you will be directed back to the current StatCounter system.)

Thanks for your help with this – and we’d be delighted to have your feedback posted to the comments of this blog post.

UPDATE: Thanks for all the feedback so far. As the comments are getting a bit crowded we’ve created a new forum for you to discuss your ideas. Please click here to get talking about SC4! (Note: you need to register a forum account in order to post.)

Let the testing begin!

StatCounter Team


  1. When using magnifying glass on the Exit links, it sends me to the login page, but I’m not logged out.

  2. Hi! Apparentlly I have the same problems as the others that are trying out SC4. The Search Engine Wars really put a big smile on my face, but then I read this section 🙁 . Hope you fix them soon.

    Also, as a suggestion, it would be great to make a list with all the improvements and changes, new features, … that you plan to implement, as detailed as possible. I’m relatively new to SC and at least I would, possibly others, would find it useful. If there is already such a list, I apologize and please point me towards it.

    Keep up the great work!
    Stelian Andrei

  3. The Search Engine Wars on my beta project is WAY off.

    It’s not just counting the old project’s stats as others have said, but it is thousands off. Currently it says there are 4000 plus hits from Google, 300 plus from Yahoo, and a few each from many others.

    It may be getting stats from other accounts and adding them together, that’s my only real thought.

  4. Am testing it on my blog….. great to see expansion of one of my favorite programs. Will report any issues.


  5. I joined!

    The Exit Links is a FANTASTIC addition to the service and will come in enormously handy. However, is it possible to filter out certain domains from the results. (ie: Those that aren’t genuine ‘exits’, more than they are our Image Hosting Services)?

    Having to sift through hundreds of ‘Click To Enlarge’ results, to dicern the genuine ‘Clicked to go elsewhere’ results, rather diminishes this otherwise BRILLIANT addition.

    Otherwise… No bugs found at all & all seems to be working fine. Thanks!

  6. I would love to test it but how do you get back to see the results over you have installed the code ? Do you just use the same url as above again ?

  7. its great see that our favorite analytics tool growing bigger, go ahead statcounter we always with.
    From bottom of my heart we welcome SC4

  8. i’d love to, but now im at my office, wait at 7 pm im online at my home… sute im want to test it out too…!!

  9. I’ve just installed the extra code for SC4 beta, but it seems to mess up other JavaScript code I’m running. I’ve got a script that opens certain images in a new, custom-sized window. When I use the SC4 code, this doesn’t work anymore. I may be able to fix this at my end, but then again, the “old” StatCounter code doesn’t mess up my script. 😉

    This is the working version of the webpage with the old code. Click on the small picture of the cage on the right, and a popup will open with a larger image.

    This is the webpage with the SC4 code added. Again Click on the small picture of the cage on the right, but this time no popup is opened.

    – Tale

  10. Hey there –

    Look forward to trying out the new features.

    Just installed the code on my new site…

    I noticed the same issue as a previous commenter.

    When I create the blocking cookie, even with the invisible counter and link removed option, I still see the text “StatCounter – Free Web Tracker and Counter.”

    The text does not appear once I clear the blocking cookie.

    Either way, thanks for the great service.


  11. A great feature (if possible) would be on the Exit Link results page to be able to filter for domains (i.e. show only the exit links to those matching the search) and/or even to show all visitors who clicked a certain exit link/matching string.

  12. hi,

    i would love to be beta tester…

    in the link “Visitor Paths”.
    when we see the urls visited.
    earlierly these urls linked open in new window. but yesterday it was opening in the same window.
    kindly check and update.

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