Hi Folks,
New StatCounter System – In Beta
We have been working on the new and improved StatCounter SC4 system…now we need your help to test it.
A lot of changes have been made ‘under the hood’ and won’t be immediately apparent; however some of the immediate benefits include:
- Faster Loading Keyword and Country Stats
- Exit Link Stats
- Download Stats
MOST importantly the new system paves the way for other exciting new features … so watch this space!
How do I try out SC4?
It’s easy!
You need to create a new test project. This code should be added underneath your existing StatCounter code.
Note that you should retain your existing StatCounter code for now… Once the new system is fully operational we’ll convert all projects over to SC4 automatically.
To get started:
- Login to StatCounter with the “remember me” option
- Point your browser at this URL
http://my.statcounter.com/project/standard/add.php?sc4=1 - If successful the form should now read “BETA TEST SC4 PROJECT SETTINGS” then proceed as normal to install this new code below your current code.
(Note that if you logout and login again you will be directed back to the current StatCounter system.)
Thanks for your help with this – and we’d be delighted to have your feedback posted to the comments of this blog post.
UPDATE: Thanks for all the feedback so far. As the comments are getting a bit crowded we’ve created a new forum for you to discuss your ideas. Please click here to get talking about SC4! (Note: you need to register a forum account in order to post.)
Let the testing begin!
StatCounter Team
Tá suim agam bheith páirteach san triall. (I am interested in taking part in triall). Tony
I would really like to see SC remember me in Firefox. Please fix that.
Stat Counter rules
I can not figure out why anyone even uses google analytics over StatCounter. I use both, and I think google analytics (formerly Urchin) sucks compared to Statcounter.
Hello, again! Back for more.
I’ve encountered a few more issues with Exit Links. They seem to be centered around timestamp conversion and log counts.
* While a SC4 subscriber’s pageload and visitor activity is displayed according to the subscriber’s local time (as customized in the Timezone pulldown in Project Settings), Exit Links are still displayed in GMT. A little tricky for those of us over the pond!
* Although Exit Links appears to be storing exits from the last 500 hits, when I drill down (using the magnifying glass icon) to learn more about one of the oldest exit link users, I receive the following message:
“The ip number 107******* is no longer present in your log of the last xxx number of pageloads.” [asterisks substituted to protect privacy].
(Perhaps you’re working on this as I type? I was previously getting a message that read “last 100 pageloads”.) Could this be set to match the subscriber’s pageload limit? Also, if there’s an error message that presents IP address information, could it be masked back into xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format?
* While drilling down on a short series of Exit Links that were all grouped within an 11-minute window, I received the following message: “There was no IP number to search for.” I’m pretty certain from reviewing the Pageload information (plus an accidentally misdirected link in my project) that the user was a friend of mine with a static IP address. There’s never been an issue with capturing the IP in the Pageload info, so it’s notable that there seems to be a problem with capturing it through Exit Links.
Keep up the outstanding work! Thanks again for crowdsourcing with a public beta. [Lifts a virtual glass Dublinward]
I have configured an invisible test counter.
W/o blocking cookie (or a blocking cookie which was only valid for my other projects) everything is fine.
After updating the blocking cookie, now including the test project, my own visits are blocked but on the page I see a symbol for an image which was not found (in my case a blue rectangle with a “?”) linking to www.statcounter.com
keep up the good work
I’ve installed it on one of my blogs. I think Statcounter is great as it is so I’m looking forward to seeing the improvements.
its perfect i like it.. great job.
Hi, It will be really useful to have the option on entry pages (as in popular pages) to see visitors in detail by: recent visitors, recent visitor map, came from and so on, and visitor map
Hi there this no singing telegram but we see these issues:
1. almost 50 percent discrepency between our real project and beta. im talking 50 percent – thats huge
2. Magnifying glass in certain portions log me out but not really – they prompt for a login though.
3. Strange numbers from search engine wars still here after 24hrs.
4. Not all exit links are registering.
but on the bright side
it is ALOT faster and we love the exit links.
this has been an update from http://www.askTheAdmin.com
Got the code on the page, and it seems to work well. Will know more in a little time. Just wanted to say that the exit links feature, especially, will come in very handy.
Still no conversion tracking?
I have now the new code, and I had a green bar on this project.
statcound is alive that is good.
great..:) i think statcounter wil be better …
Err. No. Well, just imagine it was still in a neat table.
Maybe this looks better:
22nd November 2007 21:21:36 83s URL of Page 1
22nd November 2007 21:22:59 92s URL of Page 2
22nd November 2007 21:24:31 108s URL of Page 3
22nd November 2007 21:26:19 244s URL of Page 4
22nd November 2007 21:30:23 1s URL of Page 4
22nd November 2007 21:30:24 48s URL of Page 4
22nd November 2007 21:31:12 URL of Page 5
One real bonus would be the addition of ‘seconds between clicks’.
Currently I see this:
22nd November 2007 21:21:36 URL of Page 1
22nd November 2007 21:22:59 URL of Page 2
22nd November 2007 21:24:31 URL of Page 3
22nd November 2007 21:26:19 URL of Page 4
22nd November 2007 21:30:23 URL of Page 4
22nd November 2007 21:30:24 URL of Page 4
22nd November 2007 21:31:12 URL of Page 5
But this makes so much more sense:
22nd November 2007 21:21:36 83s URL of Page 1
22nd November 2007 21:22:59 92s URL of Page 2
22nd November 2007 21:24:31 108s URL of Page 3
22nd November 2007 21:26:19 244s URL of Page 4
22nd November 2007 21:30:23 1s URL of Page 4
22nd November 2007 21:30:24 48s URL of Page 4
22nd November 2007 21:31:12 URL of Page 5
(I can’t right-justify the ‘seconds’ column in this blog; but you see the idea).
I know the data is already there, and you can import to Excel and do the maths, but seeing ‘number of seconds’ is so much more immediate than seeing the timestamps, and mental arithmetic in base sixty is a bore …
Just a thought.
What do you all think?
Clicked on Exit links, then clicked on magnifying glass to drill down. Got a message that there was no IP number and the log in page showed but I’m not logged out. Confirms problem previously reported by others.
Sounds great, hope it gets released fast.
Very nice. Best feature is that I’m picking up hits that I was missing before.
Did a quick run through of all the features and everything appears to work fine for me.
If I use “Stop logging my visits” the “Statcounter image” is no longer present on the concerning webpages.