Happy Holidays!


We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you, our members, for your support throughout 2007, to wish you joy and peace this festive season and every health and happiness in the New Year!

From all of us to all of you…

Merry Christmas!
Nollaig Shona Dhuit!
Kellemes Karácsonyi Ünnepeket!
Joyeux Noël!
Feliz Navidad!
Buone Feste Natalizie!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Ajmel altehani bemonasebt almīlad wa helol alseneh aljedīdah!
I’d Miilad Said Oua Sana Saida!
Krismas ki subhkamna!

PS: StatCounter is not sending Christmas cards this year – instead donations have been made to charity:
St Jude’s Hospital


  1. Merry Christmas to all the people at Statcounter, and thank you for providing your excellent service!

  2. http://www.GDIsites.com wants to take our hat off to StatCoutner for having a wonderful service and we proudly promote your counter on our site.

  3. Hi Guys,

    Merry christmas to all of you. keep up the good job!

    warm regards,

  4. Merry christmas to all of you. keep up the good job!

    warm regards,

  5. Happy new year and holiday for you all !!
    And thanks a lot for statcounter to give a great service! 🙂

  6. Hi…I Googled for ki 43, but found your page about Happy Holidays!…and have to say thanks. nice read.

  7. Merry Christmas and Happy holiday to all people around the globe.

    May we all be blessed this New Year with good health, wealth & prosperity.


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