According to analysis conducted by us here at StatCounter, the Mozilla Firefox Guinness Book of Records attempt has been a major success in encouraging users to download Firefox 3.

Usage of Firefox 3 more than doubled between June 16th and 18th from 7.8% to 18.9%. Trend graphs are available here.
“The Firefox folks have certainly earned themselves a pint of Guinness,” commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. “This is a major success in encouraging users to upgrade in a short period.”
We also found that the Guinness promotion seems to be having a generally positive effect on Firefox market share. The overall Firefox share of the browser market increased from 34.9% to 36% over the two day period while Internet Explorer fell slightly from 56.3% to 55.4%.
i have a little problems with it and i ve heard that it was released because a day ago was released opera and the clients were stolen:d
I just downloaded FF3 the other day. I guess i heard about it a little late. But I have to agree that it has some pretty sweet features that 2 didn’t have.
Love it!
Humm,, and how many of you downlaoded the NEW FF vulnerability. A new record I bet,,,,,
See here
I still say IE is better!
We have dumped IE long time back now we cant even think of using it. You guys will be shocked to know even recommends to use firefox 😀
Check and enjoy!!
Rodnei U may compare between IE 7 or IE 8 beta 1 and between Firefox 3 their is still a lot of difference between memory usage or which we call memory leakage
Cool to know! Thanks.
Would you choose Firefox over Safari on a MAC?
firefox is the best i love its speed.
Ankur says: “just try to open some tabs around 5 or 6 and see the memory usage in the task manager”
Download Fx3 and compare 🙂
thank you wery much…
Firefox is the king of the browsers……..I heard there were a lot of Firefox download parties on the social networks to help set the record.
Firefox owns all browsers, period. It’s faster, more secure and more customizable than any other browser on the market, nuff said.
There were minor problems with earlier versions of Firefox,
I hope they are fixed in FF3.
IE7 is also good, but FF rocks.
Nothing beats Firefox Extensions.
FireFox is faster, by far. I was supporting IE7 for some time, but around two weeks ago I just had to switch. Many sites were loading slow, and many were showing that “Switch to FF couse IE7 sucks” thing.
Haha, let the troll wars begin in the comments, the two first are world-class already, and I trust the replies to be top-notch as well 😉
I want to say something,people talk about the success of Firefox,just try to open some tabs around 5 or 6 and see the memory usage in the task manager,everyone would come to know about it so for me IE 7 is better.
Is good to have options and any one have the right to decide what is better.
For now I still support IE as it is, in my opinion, the best browser in the market, as we can see by the values statcounter is showing.