Chrome Latest Stats – Global/US/UK

Hi folks,

As many of you requested, here are updated browser usage stats. We’ve broken the stats down into Global, US and UK figures. These stats are based on a total sample for the period of over 450 million page views globally. All daily stats are based on the relevant GMT 24 hour periods.

Global Stats – Browser Usage
IE Firefox Safari Chrome Other
Sep 01 66.92% 25.26% 2.99% n/a 4.84%
Sep 02* 67.58% 24.36% 2.91% n/a 5.06%
change 0.66% (0.90%) (0.08%) n/a 0.22%
Sep 03 67.81% 23.54% 2.70% 1.11% 4.87%
change 0.23% (0.82%) (0.21%) 1.11% (0.19%)
Sep 04 68.59% 23.20% 2.56% 1.16% 4.51%
change 0.78% (0.34%) (0.14%) 0.05% (0.36%)
Sep 05 68.44% 23.22% 2.56% 1.12% 4.66%
change (0.15%) 0.02% 0.00% (0.04%) 0.15%
Sep 06 65.46% 25.43% 2.81% 1.16% 5.14%
change (2.98%) 2.21% 0.25% 0.04% 0.48%
Sep 07 63.15% 26.69% 3.02% 1.18% 5.96%
change (2.31%) 1.26% 0.21% 0.02% 0.82%
Sep 08 65.89% 24.46% 2.69% 1.10% 5.86%
change 2.74% (2.23%) (0.33%) (0.08%) (0.10%)
Sep 09 66.27% 24.17% 2.66% 1.07% 5.83%
change 0.38% (0.29%) (0.03%) (0.03%) (0.03%)
Sep 10 66.28% 24.31% 2.62% 1.05% 5.75%
change 0.01% 0.14% (0.04%) (0.02%) (0.08%)
Sep 11 66.67% 23.95% 2.59% 1.02% 5.77%
change 0.39% (0.36%) (0.03%) (0.03%) 0.02%
Total Change (0.25%) (1.31%) (0.40%) 1.02% 0.93%

*The Chrome browser was launched late in the day GMT time on Sept 2nd so the first full day of tracking for Chrome is Sept 3rd.

Other – this includes numerous browsers including Konqueror, Opera, Playstation, Blackberry, Iphone, Seamonkey etc.

US Stats – Browser Usage
IE Firefox Safari Chrome Other
Sep 01 61.88% 28.02% 5.77% N/A 4.32%
Sep 02* 64.92% 25.81% 5.31% N/A 3.86%
change 3.04% (2.21%) (0.46%) n/a (0.46%)
Sep 03 64.84% 24.94% 5.31% 0.98% 3.90%
change (0.08%) (0.87%) 0.00% 0.98% 0.04%
Sep 04 66.48% 23.92% 4.88% 1.13% 3.57%
change 1.64% (1.02%) (0.43%) 0.15% (0.33%)
Sep 05 65.85% 24.44% 5.07% 1.08% 3.55%
change (0.63%) 0.52% 0.19% (0.05%) (0.02%)
Sep 06 62.74% 26.51% 5.66% 1.05% 4.05%
change (3.11%) 2.07% 0.59% (0.03%) 0.50%
Sep 07 60.64% 28.00% 6.26% 1.07% 4.04%
change (2.10%) 1.49% 0.60% 0.02% (0.01%)
Sep 08 63.17% 26.42% 5.57% 1.02% 3.84%
change 2.53% (1.58%) (0.69%) (0.05%) (0.20%)
Sep 09 64.46% 25.49% 5.33% 0.99% 3.73%
change 1.29% (0.93%) (0.24%) (0.03%) (0.11%)
Sep 10 63.94% 25.99% 5.29% 1.03% 3.74%
change (0.52%) 0.50% (0.04%) 0.04% 0.01%
Sep 11 66.32% 24.07% 4.99% 0.96% 3.65%
change 2.38% (1.92%) (0.30%) (0.07%) (0.09%)
Total Change 4.44% (3.95%) (0.78%) 0.96% (0.67%)

*The Chrome browser was launched late in the day GMT time on Sept 2nd so the first full day of tracking for Chrome is Sept 3rd.

Other – this includes numerous browsers including Konqueror, Opera, Playstation, Blackberry, Iphone, Seamonkey etc.

UK Stats – Browser Usage
IE Firefox Safari Chrome Other
Sep 01 68.33% 22.77% 4.09% N/A 4.80%
Sep 02* 67.95% 23.13% 3.96% N/A 4.79%
change (0.38%) 0.36% (0.13%) n/a (0.01%)
Sep 03 70.02% 21.34% 3.26% 1.12% 4.26%
change 2.07% (1.79%) (0.70%) 1.12% (0.53%)
Sep 04 69.22% 21.91% 3.31% 1.27% 4.28%
change (0.80%) 0.57% 0.05% 0.15% 0.02%
Sep 05 69.33% 21.81% 3.18% 1.10% 4.59%
change 0.11% (0.10%) (0.13%) (0.17%) 0.31%
Sep 06 67.73% 22.91% 3.41% 1.15% 4.79%
change (1.60%) 1.10% 0.23% 0.05% 0.20%
Sep 07 67.83% 23.11% 3.31% 1.16% 4.59%
change 0.10% 0.20% (0.10%) 0.01% (0.20%)
Sep 08 69.04% 22.20% 3.32% 0.99% 4.44%
change 1.21% (0.91%) 0.01% (0.17%) (0.15%)
Sep 09 69.34% 21.83% 3.23% 0.89% 4.71%
change 0.30% (0.37%) (0.09%) (0.10%) 0.27%
Sep 10 69.14% 21.92% 3.19% 1.02% 4.73%
change (0.20%) 0.09% (0.04%) 0.13% 0.02%
Sep 11 68.71% 22.41% 3.16% 1.01% 4.73%
change (0.43%) 0.49% (0.03%) (0.01%) 0.00%
Total Change 0.38% (0.36%) (0.93%) 1.01% (0.07%)

*The Chrome browser was launched late in the day GMT time on Sept 2nd so the first full day of tracking for Chrome is Sept 3rd.

Other – this includes numerous browsers including Konqueror, Opera, Playstation, Blackberry, Iphone, Seamonkey etc.


  1. @Dan

    You people are aware that Chrome is built on Apple’s open source WebKit HTML rendering engine, the same one used in Safari, right? Sites that have already been written with Safari compatibility in mind should work fine in Chrome. Using Safari 4 with the current WebKit actually scores 100/100 on the Acid3.

  2. Hey Kenneth,

    You should look at IE8 Beta 2. You’d be surprised how far microsoft has come. This is not the IE of old…Give it a whirl. It’s not FF or Chrome, but it ain’t half bad.

  3. @Jay While this may be true. Once Chrome gets more market share you may need to have your site display properly in Chrome. I know this is a current struggle for designers getting the page to load correctly in IE, FF, Opera and Safari.

  4. Pingback: Google Chrome Hacks Tips Blog- Useful Tips, Hacks, and News about the Google Chrome Browser! Useful Tips, Hacks, and News about the Google Chrome Browser! » Google Chrome Comic Sold for $372!
  5. Tried Chrome, dumped it. It displays my website poorly. Who’s got the time to futzing with software? There’s real WORK to be done. Bye.

  6. Why is that even though the number of page views is huge (on the order of 10^8), the fluctuations in IE’s are on the order of several percent? (Between 0.6315 and 0.6859.)

    That fluctuation just seems way too large for so many page views … especially since I do not expect the majority of users changing their browsers.

  7. Google chrome change his conditions

    Read more:

  8. Pingback: Google’s Chrome still holds 1% market share : Tribble Ad Agency : The Advertising Agency of Record
  9. I have noticed that with the upgrade to Firefox 3, my xanga no longer tracks those hits. This troubles me greatly. Can anyone tell me if there is a stat counter fix to ensure that the hit count on my page is accurate?


  10. The total change idea is a good one. It should be total change since Chrome was released.

    I expect Chrome to do better among nerdy-types after a few updates. I’ve had it freeze up a few times, but it’s been mostly reliable. Most regular people don’t know or care how their browser handles things. Chrome is a good addition to the suite of software that Google can use for their over-the-network OS (to go along with Google Docs, Gmail, Google Earth, Google Notebook, and all their other stuff).

  11. Is there any chance we could add a Total change at the bottom of each table?

  12. Was expecting it to grow much faster than that. Might take a while to achieve web browser domination than I thought. Good Luck Google.

  13. I use FF and IE, and now I am using Chrome 50% of the time. I like it and expect it to improve even more. When will IE start adding something useful to the tab page like Chrome has done? It is such a time-saver.

    IE seems to be going in the opposite direction. They are focusing on eliminating your search history rather than optimizing your “go to” list.

  14. I wonder what the German stats look like … I guess FF has a much bigger market share. In the first days of chrome mainly webmasters and bloggers used chrome in order to see if their sites work in chrome too.

  15. Pingback: Business blog » Blog Archive » Chrome Latest Stats - Global/US/UK
  16. Interesting. I see way too many negative stats for FF and Safari. Why are they losing users?

    IE seems pretty stable. Could be the built-in user base they get from WIN OS. Since to use FF or any of these other browsers you have to go get the download. I know lots of people use IE because its there and they don’t care they are not using FF or Safari or Chrome. Lots of businesses I have worked in the past use Netscape. I think our local GOV ofcs use Netscape or at least did use it last time I went online in a local gov ofc.

  17. Pingback: Google Chrome News » Blog Archive » Chrome Latest Stats - Global/US/UK
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