As different adverts are shown on StatCounter in different parts of the world, here in StatCounter HQ, we don’t actually get to see every single advert shown to our members… and although we try hard to screen all ads BEFORE they are are shown on StatCounter, some nasty ads do slip through the net
In the last 24 hours we have heard reports that some nasty auto-expanding ads have been shown on StatCounter. We do apologise for this. We are investigating this with a view to removing all offending adverts ASAP and thanks are due to StatCounter members Gordon and Tony for their quick action in alerting us to this issue.
While we rely on our advertising revenue to fund our free service, we only want the nicest, best behaved ads on our site. Thanks for your patience as we work to fix this issue.
We believe we have traced and removed the source of the offending ads. Please post here if you continue to see any nasty ads and give us the following information:
• Ad position – top or side
• url where ad is being seen
• screenshot of ad
• geo location where ad was seen
• Click url of ad
Please also take a screenshot of the ad and we will contact you directly to retrieve the image from you. Many thanks!
All ads are nasty!
Feature request: Live stats that update automatically.
I have always seen Google ads running on Statcounter and have never experienced any issues whatsoever. It’s nice that you acted promptly and took care of the issue so soon. Great service. Great people. Always the best. Just use Statcounter, ignore the rest. 🙂
No problem – I’ve only ever noticed the Adsense ads from Google and nothing nasty!
Anyway, i didn’t saw thenasty ads, but thanks for the imformation…
Didn’t see any irritating adds or pop ups on this site yet. But admitting that you do have this unfortunately is a proof of excellent customer service that you are giving to thousands of people every day.
Thanks for your quick response. And that why i like your site.
Everything is OK here in Greece…
Thanks for your work!!
absolutely the best stat product around, and I’ve used a lot of them.
those ads are everywhere, so I personally don’t even notice them, but if they offend some people, you’re doing a great service by offering to attempt to intervene.
This is very thoughtful of Statcounter. Thanks for caring.
Thats what i like about the statcounter.
I have to say that I’ve never really noticed any of the adverts on! I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing for the advertisers — sometimes advertising is subliminal and gets in your brain without you realising!
Keep up the good work guys.
As statcounter we try to keep way all the malware of the internet.
We have to be responsable for what you present to your clients.
Thank you statcounter very good job.
I haven’t seen any nasty ads here, everything is as usual to its best.
Have been using SC from last 2 years and you are the best .
I haven’t logged in for a bit so missed the ad drama but I wanted to take the opportunity to say stat counter rocks.
I have had both paid and free accounts over the years and statcounters free service beats most paid ones for clarity and ease of use.
At the moment you guys help me keep track of about 30 sites and I adore you for it.
so … Statcounter rocks 😀
Totally off topic, but…
I have had stat-counter counting away faithfully on my page making me happy, but have never had any info returned to the stats page. I am assuming that I have embedded the code successfully if it is counting but why no stats return?
We trust in Statcounter. You really are working seriously.
So far i didnt c any nasty ads showing up at my browser yet.
Keep up the good work!
No nasty ads here. Keep up the good work!!
Much thanks for taming those unruly ads! Also for a great service I’ve come to rely upon.
Take care,
I haven’t found any nasties so far and I’m tracking 10 of my sites so I am accessing the stats page every day. But thanks for the warning, I’ll let you know if I have any problems.