While Christmas celebrations this year may not be as elaborate as Christmases past, we want to wish you and all your families peace and happiness this festive season as well as good health and prosperity in 2010.
At StatCounter we are acutely aware of the debt of gratitude that we owe to you, our members. For your support throughout the year, for your patience and loyalty… we offer you our humble and sincere thanks.
May the New Year bring with it hope for the future and may we all leave behind us the difficulties of the last 12 months.
The Leprosy Mission
Little Flower Homeless Centre
South Suburban Humane Society
Doctors Without Borders
CRY – Children’s Rights
Capuchin Day Centre
The Childrens Trust
happy new year! to all the staff.
Hello i just received a popup from my antivirus when i opened your website do you happen to know why this occured? Could it maybe from your ads or something? Thanks, really odd i hope it was harmless?
2010, is this still the future? 🙂
Thanks for the most useful stats software anywhere. hope that you and yours have a great 2010 both personally and professionally.
Steve J.
Happy New Year Guys.
I use your stat counter over on my blog at www.frugalfamily.co.uk and it’s fantastic. Thank you
All the Best.
Same to you!
I wish everyone at StatCounter a Peaceful and Pleasant New Year.
merry Christmas to you may you continue to serve and extend help to newbies like me..
I wish everyone at StatCounter a Peaceful and Pleasant New Year.
I have been with StatCounter since early days, and while appreciating the service myself, I have recommended it to many other satisfied users. In this era of greed amidst financial turmoil, StatCounter has been a constant of valuable quality service.
Thank You.
hye, this maybe a late wish, but happy 2010 to statcounter. i enjoyed it since 2008.
Happy new year 2010, Statcounter and happy new year to all! I hope you’ll keep the service as good as it is. All the best! Thanks!
Nice. And happy new year to all.
thank you for all your help. hope you all have a happy new year.
Thanks statcounter! It is wonderful to know that you are donating to charity. Not many online organizations do this. Happy new year 2010, statcounter
Thanks statcounter. It is wonderful to know that you are donating to charity. Not many organizations do so. Happy new year 2010 to statcounter!
Wish to all a Happy New Year.
I have enjoyed using Statscounter very much and hope to continue doing so.But I do have a question I have been optimizing my site for the new Google search engine and my visitor count has dropped dramatically will this pick up soon.
Thanks for the outstanding service and support you provided all year.
I deeply appreciate your wonderful Christmas message. At last I found a Stats counter that I can count on. I restarted mine for the New Year of 2010 after I found out that your are exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much and Happy New Year.
Same good wishes to you.
Thank you for providing such a valuable tool. I look forward to 2010!