While Christmas celebrations this year may not be as elaborate as Christmases past, we want to wish you and all your families peace and happiness this festive season as well as good health and prosperity in 2010.
At StatCounter we are acutely aware of the debt of gratitude that we owe to you, our members. For your support throughout the year, for your patience and loyalty… we offer you our humble and sincere thanks.
May the New Year bring with it hope for the future and may we all leave behind us the difficulties of the last 12 months.
The Leprosy Mission
Little Flower Homeless Centre
South Suburban Humane Society
Doctors Without Borders
CRY – Children’s Rights
Capuchin Day Centre
The Childrens Trust
Thanks for your help. super
New year,New image
Hope you had a fabulous holiday season!
Happy new year everyone ! I want to ask, how to “ban” a ip visitor from my statcounter to not counting it anymore. It’s someone that his appear every single day on my counter. Please help me !!
Thank you, God bless you and have a nice day.
Wish u Happy New Year – 2010
Thanks for letting us know that you are supporting charities. Great Work!
Happy New Year 🙂
thank you for all your help. hope you all have a happy new year.
Happy new year everyone ! I want to ask, how to “ban” a ip visitor from my statcounter to not counting it anymore. It’s someone that his appear every single day on my counter. Please help me !!
Your tools and staffs are really useful for everyone. Please continue this free tool.
Thank you Statcounter. You are one of the greatest gift I’ve received this holiday season. Have a great day!
Thank you for your season’s greetings.
Happy New Year & Merry X’Mass to you from Russia!
Looking for new interesting posts in 2010!
thank you for this usefull informations.. finally i find what i want to know.. thank you so much for this article.
Thank you for your season’s greetings. I wish the StatCounter team a happy, successful and safe 2010. The recognition and support of your chosen charities is to be applauded. Well done!
Thank you, God bless you and have a nice day.
StatCounter, thank you for this great tool!
Have a beautiful year!
My dear StatCounterites, congratulations on a terrific service, but even more praise needs to be heaped on you for your donations to those various and worthwhile charities mentioned above.
Thank you too SC; as a shoe-lace site run by volunteers, I appreciate the info. we get through the program; it keeps us going on.
According to StatCounter, last week Firefox 3.5 jumped to 21.93 percent of the global market. IE7 had 21.2 percent, IE8 had 20.33 percent and IE6 had 13.89 percent – giving the Internet Explorer product line 55.44 percent of the market (including even older IE versions).