A Facelift for StatCounter!

Hi all,

StatCounter Facelift!
We’re currently updating StatCounter – the new site will have a fresh, modern look; it will be more user-friendly and hopefully will make using StatCounter an even better experience. Our new interface will also give us flexibility to continue to improve the service we offer.

Help Please!
Internal testing of the new site has been ongoing for some time… but NOW we need YOUR HELP!

We’d love to get feedback from a really broad range of people from beginners, all the way up to advanced users.

It would also be great to hear from anyone with a blog or website, who is NOT yet using StatCounter but would like to join up.

So, if you would like to have an input into the new StatCounter design then please apply for beta access here!

Please note that while we are hoping to get as much feedback as possible, we may not be able to offer access to everyone who applies. We do, however, sincerely appreciate every single offer of assistance – StatCounter couldn’t be what it is today without the support and loyalty of you, our members.

We would also be delighted to welcome any volunteers to our Dublin office to test the new site in person. If you’re in or around Dublin over the next few weeks and you have some time to spare, then we’d love to hear from you!

Questions, comments and suggestions welcome below.


  1. My suggestion:
    I’d like the same buttons (Exit Link Activity, Recent Visitors, etc.) on the My Projects page. That way I can see all my sites combined for each category!

    Also, this site rocks.


  2. Stat Counter Folks,

    Nice dedicated work. Remember, if it isn’t broke-why fix it?

    Great price incentive too.
    We look forward to what’s next.

    ParadiseNo.com Team

  3. StatCounter was already the best free intro stat counter in the world, now, it’s only getting better.


  4. Statcounter already has a modern clean look! And it loads nice and quickly too! One of the things I like about Statcounter is that it doesn’t need Javascript or Flash enabled to work. I have an account with GA too, but I haven’t logged into it for over a year because it’s sooo slow and bloated and needs Javascript and Flash and is generally more of a hassle to use. Statcounter is nice and simple and quick, that’s why I chose it for daily monitoring of stats instead of other more fancy services.

    Whatever you do, don’t turn Statcounter into one of those afwul bloated Javascript monsters that refuses to work without Javascript enabled! I HATE websites that have loads of unecessary Javascript.

    The Statcounter GlobalStats thing needs Flash enabled and it takes a long time to load on my computer, so I rarely visit it. Also, make sure the new Statcounter displays well on an 800×600 display, because the GlobalStats thing doesn’t (it’s font is too big and stuff too spread out)

  5. In fact I don’t understand why, when somebody connects, he leaves at least 9 link trails for 1 connection, within the same minute.
    But I do appreciate the service.

  6. I will gladly recommended Stat Counter to my friends and I certainly look forward to the brand new updates. The current interface is very user-friendly. Keep up the good work.

  7. Many thanks for this!
    Hope to see the brazillian portuguese version online soon! ;P

  8. I am delighted with it as it is. I run a blog site as a public service to inform expatriate pensioners about their rights [I am 78 myself]. It is immensely useful to know from where people are viewing the site. The mapping portion is helpful– a very minor point is, it would be helpful if by ‘recent’ visitors one could say ‘the last fifty’ visitors. An irritation, possibly beyond control is the changing identifying code of one’s origin which catches me unawares and sometimes causes my own visits to be recorded in spite of the blocking cookie.
    I am at a loss as to how you make your money! The fact that it is free is so very helpful. I run on a shoestring and it costs me little but my brainpower.
    It is a great help in promoting democracy amongst the elderly!

  9. I’d love to see a SUMMARY pane – perhaps a 4 or 6 section chart of the last 7 days traffic, Top recent referring sites, Keywords driving traffic, a pie chart of Search Engine share, Top 5 Countries, Traffic percentage changes…

    Well, I could go on an on to torture your programming team. And while they’re at it they could make drag and drop modules so you could Customize your summary pane with any metrics you use! 😉

  10. My friend recommended Stat Counter to me and I certainly look forward to the brand new design. The current interface is very user-friendly. Hope the new version will continue to be so or even better.

  11. Wonderful as it is, why change it ?
    ok I would love to see a list of the cities seperated from the world map.
    But superb as it is.

  12. Good job, Stat Counter. I love you… The new look of Stat Counter will be great!

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