Try the NEW StatCounter site NOW!


Apologies for the hiatus in communication. Over the last few weeks the whole team has been engrossed in the new design for StatCounter…

While private beta testing has been ongoing for some time now, we’re delighted to announce the public launch of the beta site today.

Click the image to try the NEW StatCounter beta site!
(NOTE: By “beta site” we mean a “preview” of the new StatCounter site. The “look and feel” of the site are close to how we expect the final version to be, however, regular design changes and bug fixes can be expected as we hear feedback from you, our members.)

New Look and Improved Features

As well as a fresh new look, the beta site boasts many improvements and new features including:

  • Date Range Selector for all stats – identify, for example, which Search Engines were used to find your site yesterday. Or last week. Or compare last week and this week. Etc.
  • Simplified Code Generation Process – get your code more quickly. Reinstallation is much easier too.
  • Quicker Sign Up for New Members – fewer clicks, more intuitive process – now you can feel even better about recommending us to your friends and colleages ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • Hourly Stats – based on the log file – watch the hour-by-hour traffic trends on your site.
  • Project Dropdown List – simply toggle between your projects when viewing your stats.
  • Improved Browser Stats – now it’s even easier to monitor the most popular browser families and browser versions used to view your site.

Thank you!
We’d like to offer our sincere thanks to all our private beta testers. While we haven’t been able to respond to every communication, all feedback has been read and taken on board. Your comments, suggestions and ideas have been invaluable. Sincere thanks to each and every one of you for your time.

To any of our members who may be CONCERNED:
We are all well aware of the many botched redesigns that have taken place on various websites over the years… please be assured that we have NO intention of suffering the same fate! The site redesign was undertaken simply and solely to improve StatCounter for you, our members, in response to the many requests and comments you submitted. We hope we have managed to achieve a fresh but familiar look. You will also note that we are *not* imposing this redesign on you! Instead, the new design continues as an optional beta allowing us to iron our any remaining bugs or problems before the new site eventually goes live.

PLEASE use this beta testing period to become familiar with the new StatCounter design. Please also submit your feedback (good and bad!) to allow us to fine-tune the new site according to your preferences.

We’re really excited about the new design and we hope you will be too! As always, your comments are welcome below.


The beta version of StatCounter is COMPLETELY optional at the moment. We are *not* imposing this new design on you – instead we have presented you with a new version of the site which we are changing and tweaking according to your feedback!

Some members are asking how to “switch” between versions – please note the relevant URLS:


  1. i log on stacounter everyday, is cool for a free software working with prestashop!!

  2. This Stat Counter makes my life more easy as the email reporting feature is fantastic.

  3. Itโ€™s hard on the eyes to view stat logs like โ€œvisitor pathsโ€ etc and takes up more screen room to scroll through due to overuse of graphics etc. The color combinations and graphics/shading in general are pretty bad and make everything harder to view and distinguish. Even the new logo looks amateur, and the new favicon does not stand out at all in my browser bookmarks.

  4. Pingback: StatCounter Blog » Blog Archive » StatCounter Beta Design – what’s new?
  5. Awesome.. Congratulations to the new beta version. Looks great.. Keep it up.. Thanks.

  6. this is wonderfull. I will try new web site.

    thanks statcounter worker ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Looks pretty good. But I think the stat graphs could do with a new look. The boring, old, bland look doesn’t go well with the new interface!

  8. I like the ability to quickly change between projects and the new hourly feature is pretty interesting.

    I think in general, the old StatCounter looks better (at least this is my initial reaction – perhaps it will just take a bit of getting used to.).

    It also seems to load more slowly.

  9. How do I get breakdowns of my historical record back?

    I can’t imagine that you intended to do this, but since you posted the upgrade this morning, both versions of StatCounter bar-graph my stats starting from dead zero as of today.

    Any breakdowns of the last five years’ worth of stats have become inaccessible, except as rather uninformative gross aggregates on the splash page that shows my projects. Not so good…

    1. Hi Coyote,

      This blog was posted on 13 December – not this morning.

      If you are having trouble with your regular StatCounter account, then submit a support ticket – we can’t help you via the blog!


  10. Gotta be honest guys, the new design looks like a poor attempt at Web 2.0.

    It’s hard on the eyes to view stat logs like “visitor paths” etc and takes up more screen room to scroll through due to overuse of graphics etc. The color combinations and graphics/shading in general are pretty bad and make everything harder to view and distinguish. Even the new logo looks amateur, and the new favicon does not stand out at all in my browser bookmarks.

    Overall, my opinion is that you should find a way to keep the old design but integrate the new features. This new update is scaring me to death and I hope we can choose to keep the old version forever if we wish.

    1. Hi Pop,

      The whole beta site (including Visitor Paths) is undergoing regular updates and changes in response to feedback received.

      Please keep an eye on the evolution of the Visitor Paths page, for example, and see if the changes are to your liking!

      Please also feel free to submit feedback via the feedback button on the beta site.

      Thank you!

  11. Looks great!

    Just wondering, the stats have reset on the same day that the blog was posted.
    Do I need to change the codes on the website as well?

    1. No stats have been reset by StatCounter.

      No code changes required.

      The beta site is simply an updated interface for viewing stats information. Think of it like two different ways of viewing the same thing – that’s all!

      Hope that clears things up.

  12. Pingback: Traffic Generation Tips |
  13. Thanks a ton for the great job guys !

    Statcounter has been a great tool for so many of us.

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