What’s new in September? Well, the new Pages feature in Statcounter helps you analyze the individual pages on your site. It’s super handy for seeing how your home page, landing pages, blog articles, all kinds of pages are doing. Scroll down to see how it works.
We’ve also created a guide to show you how to view your Google Ads Keywords in your Statcounter reports.
And if you are running a photography business, we’ll be diving into niche marketing and how to rapidly grow your business by attracting your ideal clients.
Analyze the Individual Pages on Your Website
The new Pages feature in Statcounter shows you trends for individual pages on your site with a breakdown of referrals from search engines, other websites, social media and paid traffic campaigns.
View your Google Ads Keywords in Statcounter
If you’re running search campaigns in Google Ads, you may be wondering why the keywords data doesn’t show up in your Statcounter reports. This guide explains why and shows you how to fix it, step by step.
Our latest Exposure guide shows your how to rapidly grow your photography business by focusing on a niche market and to help attract your ideal clients.
How to position your freelance marketing business (& stop feeling burn out)
Louis interviews Kayleigh Moore on the Everyone Hates Marketers podcast. Learn how to find your niche and properly position your brand so people remember what you do and you can work with clients on your own terms.
Title and description tags: a complete guide
Els Aerts offers a comprehensive guide to the most important metadata on the web: page title and description tags.
How do you turn a cold new subscriber into a warm lead?
Email conversion strategist & copywriter Val Geisler signed up for the email lists of 50+ freelancers and shares her findings to help you improve your email nurturing campaigns.
Ten mistakes I made running two online stores (and how you can avoid them)
New to e-commerce? Shabbir Nooruddin shares his early mistakes so you don’t have to make them.
Thanks for reading and let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
These new features were really helpful
Many thanks
Thanks for sharing, i’m gonna give a shot to it.
Thanks this article
thnk you
thank you so so
awesome guide .really appreciate
Very nice post
Very nice post, very helpful
thank you nice post statcounter
thank you so much this is very informative