Does your website have a goal?
Are you tracking how well your users are reaching that goal?
“Conversion rate tracking” has a reputation for being complicated but we’re really hoping to change that.
We’ve just launched conversion tracking for Statcounter and you can add your goal in just a few seconds.
Goals in Statcounter are retroactive which means you won’t need to wait for new data to come in, the results are immediate.
Your website goal can be anything from subscribing to your newsletter to completing your contact form or making a purchase.
Being able to track your conversion rate over time helps you see the effectiveness of your pages and helps you optimize your content and design for better results.
To set your goal now simply go to the “Pages” stat and click “set conversion goal”.
You can also view our guide Track Your Conversion Rate to learn more about it.
Nog een geweldig artikel op je blog. Bedankt!
Mijn site heeft twee doelen: de belangrijkste is dat mensen de beste providers voor de game voor zichzelf kiezen, het tweede doel is om de artikelen te lezen en te bestuderen die ik voor hen op mijn portal maak. Nogmaals bedankt voor het artikel. Ik kijk altijd uit naar nieuwe nuttige verhalen van jou!
I appreciate this post. My goal is to stay at the top in my niche
Thanks for sharing this information.
I’m looking forward to trying this conversion tracker. Most tracking tools are very complex and not very user friendly for a tradesman like myself.
I am definetly going to try out this tool, I would really like to see how my contact form is performing for my concrete company. Thank you very much for sharing!
Sure! It’s no may sense to create a website if you don’t follow any goals!
oh thanks for this content i need it.
I like what you’ve written.
In fact, without a goal, you website won’t go nowhere. That’s why I always set small goals and make sure I achieve them.
My goal is to see 1 lakh+ live visitor on my website.
Yes! Every blogger’s goal is to make money blogging. Same is mine
I set website goals before launching them so I can clearly visualize how its gonna grow by doing seo
Umm gott think about this!! Nice article though
I am lucky that my travel blog website does not have a goal! I do not sell anything, I do not have advertising on it, so I am free to do what I want. The statcounter shows me that visitors only look at any page maximum 5 seconds, so my content is no really good.
I like this information!
Yes, I have very clear goals to make website User friendly and informative for all the users so that they can get some knowledge out of our blogs.
Thanks for sharing, I’m gonna give a shot to it.
Now i see from a different paradigm
Yes. My website have a goal but which kind of goal are you talking about.
Many many thanks for this post.
Yes, The conversion rate tracking is a bit complicated thing specially if we want to track many things in the same session for the same visitor. Certainly State Counter will do a good thing and we will try it.
My website goal is to be the leading website in my niche
I need All Goals