Does your website have a goal?
Are you tracking how well your users are reaching that goal?
“Conversion rate tracking” has a reputation for being complicated but we’re really hoping to change that.
We’ve just launched conversion tracking for Statcounter and you can add your goal in just a few seconds.
Goals in Statcounter are retroactive which means you won’t need to wait for new data to come in, the results are immediate.
Your website goal can be anything from subscribing to your newsletter to completing your contact form or making a purchase.
Being able to track your conversion rate over time helps you see the effectiveness of your pages and helps you optimize your content and design for better results.
To set your goal now simply go to the “Pages” stat and click “set conversion goal”.
You can also view our guide Track Your Conversion Rate to learn more about it.
My website aims to attract customers and turn potential leads into loyal patrons. Always open to more tips and tricks though.
Every website must have some goals to achieve. Thanks for sharing this article. It’s worth reading the post!
The author is totally correct, we must have a target audience and goal in order to properly make the best use of our site. Great read
I would like to see my website convert more form requests for free estimates. In order to do that I need to get it moving up the ranks on Google.
Great article.
Awesome stats i recently started new website and following every post your blog.
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This one is so obvious, but still so often missed approach. Thanks for the post!
Thanks for sharing, I really like to share with my friends.
Very nice information thx for sharing.
Keep sharing such tons of content ..
Saya membutuh semua tujuan
Tujuan kami untuk situs web untuk adalah untuk bertahap dan berkembang lebih maju lagi dari tahun ke tahun
If you don’t measure it, your content doesn’t matter.
I agree with the author of the article that it is pointless to create a website without defining the target audience and understanding its development. And the tools that help determine the engagement of the target audience usually significantly increase sales.
Our goal for our website is to gradually climb the ranks and get to the top of page one Google. At which point we will have increased traffic that will lead to better business.
Nice job
If you don’t measure it, your content doesn’t matter.
Statcounter does it again, been using now 15years, and gets better year by year. We wouldn’t be without it at
That’s an amazing piece of content. Thank for sharing.
I need all goals
we all need goals