General News

Hi folks,

Here is a summary of some of the latest news from StatCounter.

Ads – New Networks

Advertising revenue allows us to fund our free service. Increasing our ad revenue allows us to invest in improving the service we offer. With this in mind, we have been running some new ad networks on StatCounter lately.

Further to last month’s blog post, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that we strive to ensure that only high quality advertising is shown on our site. However, as different adverts are shown on StatCounter in different parts of the world, here in StatCounter HQ we don’t actually see every advert shown to our members.

We are committed to providing the best service we can to our members so, if you see an inappropriate/intrusive/offensive advert, PLEASE let us know about it. With your help, we can ensure a better experience for all our members. We require the following information to identify and remove any nuisance ads:

  • Ad position – top or side
  • URL where ad is being seen
  • Geo location where ad was seen
  • Click url of ad

If possible please also take a screenshot of the ad. Although our support system does not allow attachments for security reasons, we will contact you directly to retrieve the image from you.

SC4 Update
sc41We know, we know… SC4 has been a long time coming but it IS coming!

When we began the beta phase of SC4, we asked for volunteers to test the service. When testing proved successful and various bugs were ironed out, we were faced with a dilemma… we had our new platform available and we had two options:

  1. We could keep the new system under wraps until we were ready to convert all the existing StatCounter projects to SC4 OR
  2. We could set all NEW projects created to SC4 immediately thus allowing new and existing members to benefit from the new features while we continued to work on the conversion

We chose to implement option 2 above. Although this means that we have been running two platforms side by side for over a year now, we do believe that this was the correct course of action to take as it allowed as many people as possible to gain the benefits of the new system.

Significant investments have been made in server technology and in strengthening our team and we are working flat out to make this new platform available to everyone.

Rather than risk problems or outages we have just had to take our time on this. Conversion to our new platform has taken much longer than we anticipated and for this we offer you our sincere apologies. We cannot wait to convert all projects to SC4 and we are so grateful to you for your patience as we continue work to achieve this.

PR Award

Earlier this year we launched StatCounter Global Statssimpson-logo21this free service provides market share stats for browsers, operating systems and search engines (including mobile). Within 2 weeks of launch, we were thrilled to achieve over 100,000 hits from over 100 countries.

Instrumental to the launch were the advice and assistance of our PR agent, Simpson FT PR. For this reason, we were delighted to hear that Ronnie Simpson and his team won the 2009 New Media PR Excellence Award for their work on the campaign. Well done all!


  1. I am using statcounter since 2 year back and let me tell you that its one of the easiest tool to track the hits on your website.

  2. Always wondered what the formula was for Unique Visitors and how it related to pageloads?

    Now know!

    Thanks Statcounter

  3. I have been trying to get adsense account for long, but always get rejected. I am currently using adbrite, but is this the best alternate to Adsense?

  4. The Statcounter Global Stats is a very cool application. Very nice features. And look there goes Internet Explorer free falling! eh eh 🙂

    Congratulations from our team 😉

  5. When are you going to convert over all the old counters as some of my sites are still reporting in the old way. Its just too much work for me to install for all my sites.

  6. The explored the stats and find very useful. I am very happy seeing that firefox continuously grabbing the market share. Already almost all the tech people have shifted to firefox because of its great addons.

  7. There have been some very odd ads recently. Whiten your teeth for under £3? Surely not !

  8. I am happy seing results n my new Statcounter projects! Thank you StatCounter Team for helping us! More power!

  9. I’m using statcounter almost one year on 8 of mine sites. This is the best counter in the web.

  10. wow m so happy today, I have added statcounter code in to my website 🙂 m so happy I’ll track my visitors now

  11. StatCounter is the greatest analytics tool of all time, keep up the great work.

    I will have to tell you guys about my StatCounter love story some time, I’m not sure if the tool was created with that in mind but that’s certainly what I ended up getting out of it. Google certainly can’t say THAT.

  12. While I like the statcounter service I do have a very serious gripe.

    You are still NOT offering older accounts which pay the premium fee as good a service in terms of features as newer accounts.

    For example: despite the fact that I have upgraded and pay you a premium fee each month for a very long time now, however my other FREE accounts for different sites has data I do not have about:
    – downloads
    – download activity
    – exits
    – exit links

    While I might have accepted your explanation in August last year (which is the last time I raised this issue) 13 MONTHS LATER I’ve paid a lot of money and I am still getting the second class service in terms of features – and you still do NOT know when the SC$ update is going to be completed!

    Is it time to start looking at alternative counters or might you actually deliver the service to older accounts anytime soon?

    StatCounter Team Response:

    We’re so sorry to have upset you Katherine, but we would ask you to please consider our point of view on this.

    As we explain above, after initial testing of SC4 proved successful, we were faced with a dilemma… we had our new platform available and we had two options:

    1. We could keep the new system under wraps until we were ready to convert all the existing StatCounter projects to SC4 OR
    2. We could set all NEW projects created to SC4 immediately thus allowing new and existing members to benefit from the new features while we continued to work on the conversion

    We chose to implement option 2 above as we felt this offered benefits to the most people:

    • All new StatCounter projects would be automatically created on the SC4 platform AND
    • Members with existing StatCounter projects could add a second temporary project to take advantage of the new features until the old projects are converted to SC4

    We are very grateful that you decided to upgrade your account with us… but you did this on the basis that you wanted to pay for the upgraded features as advertised at the time e.g. additional logs, daily emails, https tracking etc and we continue to fulfil this service for you. In addition to continuing to provide the service that you decided to pay for, we are also working to improve the service at no additional cost to you! Please also remember that you can set up a temporary project to obtain SC4 features until conversion is complete.

    As you point out, we do not have a date for full conversion – we wish we could provide this to you, but we simply can’t. Work on this project has already over-run our expectations and we don’t believe that we should provide any completion date without us haveing confidence that we can meet that target.

    If we had NOT released SC4… then you would NOT have a gripe with us… but NO-ONE would have had access to the new SC4 features at all…

    Please bear with us Katherine, and hopefully we can make amends for your disappointment in the near future.

  13. This is a very valuable service. Not too many things this cvaluable are actually free to use. Thanks and job well done

  14. Excellent job!! Thanks for keeping us updated on recent developments. looking forward to SC4

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