Thank you one and all for your invaluable help and feedback as we developed, tested and improved the new SC4 system!
We are delighted to let you know that conversion to the new system will begin this weekend…

What’s new in SC4?
- Exit link tracking – to allow you track the destinations of visitors leaving your site
- Download stats – to allow you track stats for pdf and other files available on your site
- Faster-loading country stats
- Improved reliability and redundancy
- Improved loading speed of StatCounter code
- Greater technical flexibility to allow for continued system improvements
Do StatCounter members need to do anything?
No! Our tech team will be doing all the work so you don’t have to lift a finger!
Other information
Partition 3 (c4) will be the first partition to be converted. Conversion will take place this weekend when traffic is generally lower and is expected to take a number of hours.
During conversion, stats will continue to be recorded BUT access to stats will NOT be available. Full access will be restored asap and we will keep you updated on progress in the service status forum.
Please note that if any unexpected problems are encountered during the conversion process, the partition will be returned to the current system to limit the disruption to members. Another conversion attempt will then be made at a later date.
New Projects Created
Note that all new StatCounter projects created from this point, will automatically be created as SC4 projects.
Please feel free to post below!
Imagine if all ‘for profit’ companies were as generous as Statcounter! Thanks for all the good years of free service!
Congratulations and many wishes for good luck with the transition.
I have been with SC for more than 4 years and have yet to find a better service with brilliant service. Thank you.
You wouldn’t consider taking over my ISP would you? They could learn much from you?!!!! 🙂
Outstanding. 🙂
Thanx for the good work guys!
Hm, it sounds too good to be true for me
Thanx for the good work
StatCounter Team Response:
Hi Neil,
The blog is not really intended for reporting or discussing issues re the beta – we have a special forum set up for that – so your comment has instead been moved there:
This is going to be awesome… showing where people go when leaving my site will be helpful to me. I can’t wait to see the results. Thanks statcounter!
Looking forward to using the new bits, great service thanks!
I am a recent convert to SC from SiteMeter. Haven’t migrated all my counters yet but I am getting there – your product is simply superior, period.
I had an idea for a feature that I’d like to throw your way. Actually, two.
1. for keyword searches, is it possible to display the current google rank for that search result? I dont know if google has an API that lets you return that info, but if possible, it would be neat. That way we can simultaneously see our keyword traffic and get a sense for our site’s search position on those keywords.
2. How about adding an option to show keywords in “tag cloud” format? even better, how about a widget to let us show them on our sites, as a widget or plugin for wordpress?
wow that’s great i’m waiting for it
awesome statcounter rulzzzz
“So the solution to not have these recorded as exit links is to move your whole website to or to change all your links to – but not to use both at the same time.”
(end quote)
The site is currently hosted on The domain redirects to the host. If for some reason I would have to change hosts, I don’t want to have to edit all the links.
Both domain names, along with variations of same, appear in the “Website URL” box in the “Project Settings” screen.
The Exit Links are still showing up for my own visits from my static IP.
Jun 24 02:10:27 PM
Jun 24 02:10:22 PM
Jun 24 02:10:17 PM
Jun 24 02:10:09 PM
Jun 24 02:10:02 PM
Jun 24 02:09:59 PM
Jun 24 02:09:54 PM
Jun 24 02:09:50 PM
Jun 24 02:09:47 PM
Jun 24 02:09:43 PM
Jun 24 02:09:39 PM
And on top of that, these aren’t really “exit links” at all–they are pages on my site.
StatCounter Team Response:
Hi Neil,
There does seem to be an issue with the IP address not blocking. We’ll investigate this matter further.
The reason you are getting exit links is because your website address is but the links at the top of your pages are to – Our exit link detection works like this: if the website you are currently on (e.g. is different to the link you are clicking (e.g. then we consider this to be an exit link.
So the solution to not have these recorded as exit links is to move your whole website to or to change all your links to – but not to use both at the same time.
What’s up with this stuff not working right now? I feel blind without me stats! Luckily I have other stat progs too (inferior to this one, of course). I’ll wait patiently in the dark until you fix this…
StatCounter Team Response:
You shouldn’t be in the dark at all Ander – StatCounter is fully operational… Please submit a support ticket if you are having trouble.
On the whole I like most of the new features of SC4. But I wish you would restore the reverse-DNS display to the Visitor Paths view.
thank you wery much…
Great work guys!
Thank you one more time.
How far back will the download data go when it gets turned on?
I installed the beta code and at that time was instructed to add the beta in addition to the existing sc3 so on all my pages I have two sets of stat counter code.
Which do I delete please?
StatCounter Team Response:
Hi Bruce,
Ultimately you will be deleting the beta test code as your “regular” StatCounter account will be converted to the new system… please do NOT delete anything for the moment though! We will let members know full details when appropriate.