A few months back, StatCounter was approached by an advertiser, offered lots of $$$, and asked to include a spyware cookie on all of our member sites…we refused on the spot.
You install StatCounter to track visitors to your site NOT to open yourself and your visitors up to being spied upon by phantom advertising corporations.
It appears, however, that other players in the world of webstats were happy to take up this offer…
We were shocked to discover just today that another well known stats provider is allowing up to 9 cookies to be installed in the browser of every visitor that hits one of their member websites. This means that the provider is making money by transmitting data on you and your visitors to a third party advertiser. Not only that, but to add insult to injury, the cookies are causing the member websites to load very slowly too.
In light of this, StatCounter wants to assure you that we track your visitors for you, only you and not any one else.
Which provider would you prefer??
By the way, welcome to our new blog đ
for the first point: I use over the 5 last year, 2 stat services that end doing that practices.
for the secont point: This kind of practice are on the “scene” for a couple of year
for the 3Âș point: don’t understime the power of the cookies
I use stat counter to track my web visitors at and it works as good as the stat package provided by my host. Great work on the advertising free aspect as well!!
Yeah you have done the right thing.
They should respect other people privacy.
Thx stateconter
Thanks for saying no. Integrity is getting hard to find today. I’m sure you could have sold out and not told anyone. My website is for fun to be shared with new friends I meet. So thanks again for the free service and for keeping myself and others cookie free.
Spyware cookies?
That doesnt make sense. The only thing that a cookie can do is store data and access it only on one domain. They can get IP, browser, etc, etc. They CANNOT track what sites you visit, make you get pop-ups, or slow your browsing (as the email says) since a cookie takes a fraction of a second to upload, no matter how big.
but still, thanks for not selling the information of millions of users.
StatCounter Team Response:
Hi Oleg,
1) Info on you is sent to the advertiser any time you hit a site with ‘the other’ stats pack installed.
2) The javascript behind a cookie can be changed at will to display pop-ups.
3) The extra java script to load does slow down your site.
Hope that clears things up a bit.
Thanks for your support!
I did notice a slow down in page loading time. I just blamed it on blogger, but then I’m used to blaming everything on blogger. I feel bad to think that people are picking up cookies when they visit my site. And the worst part is that they think I’m the one using tracking cookies??? Must be sitemeter, I don’t have any other meters. I can’t tell you how annoyed i am.
Thanks for saying no…I’m not surprised other trackers would make that kind of deal though.
Thanks for looking after our interests guys (& girls) as I would not be on the lookout for this type of stuff. All I am trying to do is keep a very large bunch of old retired veteran golfers informed about where the next big game is, who won the last one and put up a few photos. Thanks for taking care of us.
I’m sticking with StatCounter!
Way to go Stat Counter management, you’ve kept me as a loyal customer. I’ll help spread the word about your quality and ethical services.
The least we can say is thank you to statcounter staff. But my question is:
How such a great service can be free? How do you do your money guys?
StatCounter Team Response:
Hi Yvan,
We fund the free service from ads on the StatCounter site.
Thanks for your support!
Thank you. I’m so pleased to be able to count on Statcounter for reliable, spyware-free information!
Howdy do from Texas, USA
Hot diggety dog! I didn’t know there were any white ten gallon hat wearing cowboys in Ireland. Smile……
Resist the urge to name names, that’s just plain ole bad manners! And we all know Statcounter ain’t like that.
I don’t believe anything in the email. Courage? Money? Bull. I think business is lagging and you’re spinning fake news. You did not specify:
1) Which other stat tracking company did this.
2) When they did this.
3) How these cookies may harm the users’ computers.
I think you’re completely making it up. It sounds like hokey, unspecific disinformation. I’ll be using “one of the other services” in the future (which one? Who knows?).
Thanks for nothing.
StatCounter Team Response:
Hi Mr H!
1) As we said earlier – we think it’s bad practice to name names – so we didn’t.
2) We’re not 100% sure – but, judging from feedback we’ve received, it appears to have happened in the last 3 days.
3) The cookies mean extra java script loading which slows down your site. Data on visitors to your site is being passed to advertisers. Most people don’t like this kind of sneaky practice.
Not a slow news day at all! As we said, we were offered this deal months ago. We refused it and never mentioned it. It only became an issue when a competitor gave into the deal. Which, I reckon, makes it a selling point for us!
Sorry to see you go Mr H – we’d love to keep you as a member.
StatCounter Team
As well as providing a great service, you have demonstrated total integrity and commitment to continuing to provide a great service to all your subscribers. Thank you so much guys, the info we get from stat counter for both our websites is absolutely invaluable and we continue to recommend you to others. The greed and stupidity of the competitors will come back and bite them on the butt.
Thank you, it’s very much appreciated.
Thanks very much! We are not interested in violating the privacy of our customers. Statistics are valid; privacy is supreme.
Right on … that is fantastic. You’re great for doing so. Bravo and thank you.
Yes, thank you for taking a stand for right and saying no, and your courage is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for having COURAGE! It’s too easy to sell out.
Thank you for keeping your stat counter clean… I get enough junk mail and spy ads as it is. Keep up the good work