Filters are a really powerful way to get a better understanding of your visitors. We recently redesigned filters to make them easier to use and quicker to find the filter you’re looking for.
The new version of filters is available on Visitor Activity, Visitor Paths and Page View Activity. Here’s how they work and some example use cases which you can try out.
Clicking Add Filter at the top of Visitor Activity, Visitor Paths and Page View Activity now opens a menu where filters are grouped by type. Filter combinations you’ve used recently are listed at the bottom of the menu so you can easily reuse them with a single click.
Clicking Add Filter to open the filter menu
Adding a Filter
Let’s add a filter so we can see only the visits to our website from San Francisco, for example. In the Filters menu, under Location, select the Country & City filter to see the options for that filter.
Adding a Country & City filter
If you were looking to filter by a country or multiple countries, you could select those countries in the list and click Apply Filter. But we’re looking for the city of San Francisco and there are a couple of ways to find it.
Since we know the name of the city, the quickest way is to start typing San Francisco into the filter search box. If there are sessions in your log from San Francisco, it will appear here along with the number of sessions.
You can either click Apply Filter for a match of your search terms or you can select San Francisco, California, United States and then Apply Filter for an exact match.
Using the filter search to quickly add a city filter
Alternatively, if you know the country you want to filter by but you’re not sure of the city, you can click the down-arrow to the left of the country name to expand the options.
Expanding filter options
When you click Apply Filter, the button for that filter will display your filter choice. You can then remove that filter by clicking the X in the button. You can also add more filters using the Ad Filter button to open the menu again.
A single filter applied
Multiple filters applied
The Power of Combining Filters
If you’re selling a product or service online, looking for commonalities among the visitors who really engaged with your website is a great way to learn about your customers so you can adapt your marketing strategy to reach more of them. Using a combination of filters in Statcounter, it’s easy to create a shortlist of engaged visitors which you can then explore further with tools like Session Replay and Magnify Visitor.
Combine the Session Length and Page Views per Session filters to see visitors who stayed on your website for at least 5 minutes and visited 3 or more pages.
Using filters to see your more engaged visitors
Use the Entry Page filter and Page (anywhere in session) filter set to your order confirmation page and see all visitors who entered on your new landing page and made a purchase.
Using filters to see visitors who converted from a landing page
Recognising patterns among these engaged visitors such as where they are from, how they found your site, which content they were most interested in and more, helps you to focus your future marketing efforts in the right direction.
Another powerful way to use Statcounter’s filters is to examine your less engaged visitors.
For example, if you’re paying for ads to drive traffic to your site and those visitors are bouncing or not showing much interest, it’s a sign that you may need to tweak your ad copy and your landing page to improve conversions.
Use the Traffic Sources filter to select Paid Traffic, or you can be even more specific and select Paid Traffic from Google. You can then apply the Session Length filter to see sessions that lasted only a few seconds.
Using filters to see your paid traffic visitors that bounced
We’d love to hear your feedback on the new design and how you make use of filters in Statcounter. Let us know in the comments.
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