Popular Pages – New Filter

Hi Folks!

New Filter
We’ve added a NEW filter to the Popular Pages stat.

What does this New Filter do?
This new filter helps you to identify your converting keywords.

Your “converting keywords” are the keywords that result in visitors to your site:

  • making a purchase
  • signing up for a service
  • downloading a brochure
  • or completing any other desired action on your site

How does this help me?
Information about your converting keywords is incredibly valuable.

If you can identify the exact search terms that actually result in sales (or sign-ups, or downloads, etc) on your site, then you can focus your advertising and SEO efforts on these terms. This should allow you to maximize your revenues and minimise your spend on marketing.

Can I see an example?
Sure! Let’s use this fictional site “Bites Bakery” to explain how this works…

Bites Bakery

Bites Bakery has a website which allows its customers to order cakes and other baked goods online. For Bites Bakery, a conversion (or success) is the placement of an order online.

Keyword Analysis

With StatCounter your “Keyword Analysis” gives you a list of the ACTUAL search terms used to find your site. For Bites Bakery, you can see that people searched for :

    bites bakery
    chocolate cake
    cherry pie recipe etc

From the above, we know the search terms that are bringing visitors to Bites Bakery… but which of these search terms result in actual orders being placed? To find this out, we need to look at the Popular Pages stat…

Popular Pages

If we look at the Popular Pages for Bites Bakery, we can see that:

  • 257 people visited the homepage
  • 31 people added a product to their baskets
  • 6 people tried to checkout
  • But only 4 people successfully completed the order process and visited the order-confirmation.php page – it’s these “converting keywords” that we are really interested in.
    (Don’t forget! It’s the “converting keywords” that result in a sale/sign-up/download on your site!)

We want to find out which keywords result in people confirming an order. To do this, we drilldown on the page www.bitesbakery.com/order-confirmation.php and apply the Keyword Analysis filter.

Popular Pages – Drilldown Arrow

First step is to click the “drilldown” arrow beside the webpage you are interested in. For Bites Bakery, we are interested in people who made an order online – that is, the people who reached the Order Confirmation page.

Popular Pages – Apply Filter

Next step is to apply the “Keyword Analysis” filter – click the link.

Popular Pages – Filtered by Keyword Analysis

Now, we see a list of the keywords used by the visitors who reached the Order Confirmation page. With this information we can see that:

    Although 40 people found the Bites Bakery Site by searching for “chocolate cake” (see Keyword Analysis), only 1 of these people “converted” and placed an order online (see Popular Pages filtered by Keyword Analysis). That means for the search term “chocolate cake” we had 1 order from 40 searches => 2.5% conversion rate

    On the other hand, while only 9 people found the site by searching for “dark chocolate cake” (see Keyword Analysis), 1 of these people “converted (see Popular Pages filtered by Keyword Analysis). That’s 1 order from 9 searches => 11% conversion rate

From the above it’s clear that we are getting a far better return on the search term “dark chocolate cake” than for “chocolate cake” – this information is useful in deciding where to direct our SEO efforts and marketing spend.

Use the “Keyword Analysis” filter on “Popular Pages” to identify the search terms that send visitors to a particular page on your site.

Note re New StatCounter SC4 System
As a result of the delays we have experienced converting all members to the new StatCounter platform, we have made this new filter available on BOTH the old StatCounter SC3 system as well as on the new SC4 system. Our tech team continue to work on the conversion project – we are terribly anxious to get the conversion done as this will allow us to release many new features and improvements. Thanks so much for your patience and enjoy the new filter!


  1. Very useful to understand how clients buy in our site.



  2. A friend just told be about this service. This is really going to help me. And for free?!?! Thanks.

  3. Thanks, Statcounter is Great. All the features have allowed us to watch which marketing funds are working and which ones that are not. This great information allows ABV Glass to save money, and in return can give our customers better prices. Thanks again

  4. Love Statcounter. Gives me the really important facts I need to know instantly. Wouldn’t even consider an alternative product. Keep up the excellent work.

  5. Statcounter, you never cease to amaze. That is a super handy addition to the search term stats. I was hoping you would add that…and you did 🙂

  6. Love the look of your site – are you having fun with it? Keep up the good work and good luck with your site!

  7. This is a great feature really.

    I have a question here, how to make sure if i have SC4 or SC3 ?!


  8. Wonderful feature…superb! Can wait for more features to come out! 🙂

  9. thats a great addition.

    But its a pity this hasnt been added to the “Downloads” section so that i can see what keywords are bringing people to download stuff.

  10. This feature is really powerful indeed. I see that it can eliminate guesswork. Now I can find out what keywords to use to make my campaigns more effective and what keywords to not spend my time on.


  11. This feature sounds really interesting. I always wanted to see which of my keywords convert and now i am pretty sure to focus on this filter and get 100% emphasic of SEO on right keywords!

  12. I use the stats counter all the time to track information. Great product. thanks

  13. hi.that was perfect.i really love this feature.really thanks alot.i love you gays

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